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(me troh Ni da zohl)

Introduced: 1960

Prescription: USA: Yes Canada: Yes

Available as Generic: Yes

Class: Anti-infective

Controlled Drug: USA: No Canada: No

Brand Names: Apo-Metronidazole, Flagyl, Metizol, MetroGel, Metryl, Neo-Tric, Novonidazole, PMS-Metronidazole.

Principal Uses

As a Single Drug Product: Used primarily to treat trichomonas infections of the vaginal canal and cervix and of the male urethra. It is also used to treat amebic dysentery, giardia infections of the intestine and serious infections caused by certain strains of anaerobic bacteria. A more recent use is the treatment of rosacea with local application of a gel dosage form.

How This Drug Works: By interacting with DNA, this drug destroys essential components of the nucleus that are necessary for the cell life and growth of infecting organisms.

Available Dosage Forms and Strengths

Gel — 0.75%

Injection — 500 mg per 100 ml

Tablets — 250 mg, 500 mg

Usual Adult Dosage Range: Varies with infection to be treated.

For trichomoniasis: One-day course—2 grams as a single dose; or 1 gram for 2 doses 12 hours apart. Seven-day course—250 mg 3 times/day for 7 consecutive days. (The 7-day course is preferred.)

For amebiasis: 500 to 750 mg 3 times/day for 5 to 10 consecutive days.

For giardiasis: 2 grams once/day for 3 days; or 250 to 500 mg 3 times/day for 5 to 7 days.

The total daily dosage should not exceed 4 grams (4000 mg).Note: Actual dosage and administration schedule must be determined by the physician for each patient individually.

Dosing Instructions: May be taken with or following food to reduce stomach irritation. The tablet may be crushed for administration.

Usual Duration of Use: Continual use on a regular schedule as outlined is necessary to ensure this drug's effectiveness. Do not repeat the course of treatment without your physician's approval.

This Drug Should Not Be Taken If

• you have had an allergic reaction to it previously.

• you currently have a bone marrow or blood cell disorder.

• you have any type of central nervous system disorder, including epilepsy.

Inform Your Physician Before Taking This Drug If

• you have a history of any type of blood cell disorder, especially one induced by drugs.

• you have impaired liver or kidney function.

• you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Possible Side-Effects (natural, expected and unavoidable drug actions) A sharp, metallic, unpleasant taste. Dark discoloration of the urine (of no significance). Superinfection by yeast organisms in the mouth or vagina.

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