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Choice 5.1

a) Tell the truth.

b) Refuse to answer.

Choice 5.1-a (-1 Relations):

Me: … I wanted to say that I’m sorry. And I will never forgive myself. As well as will never forgive you…

Sophie: WHAT?

Ops… wrong turn… She exploded.

Sophie: Do you want to say that you blame ME?

Me: Soph, listen…

She started up.

Sophie: You are unthankful dirty piece of shit! I… I can’t believe it!

Me: You almost killed me… I survived by a fucking miracle! The chances of that was no higher as one to thousand! And now you want to say you are the saint?

Sophie: Ugh…

She turns around and runs into the jungle.

Shit. I shouldn’t tell her the truth. I’m an idiot.

I’m afraid, now everything went wrong.

/the end of conversation/

Choice 5.1-b (+0 Relations):

Me: Soph… I’m not ready to tell you that. It’s… it’s too personal.

Sophie: But you wanted to tell it to the statue.

Me: That’s different. One day I will tell you… But not today…

Sophie: Well…

Choice 5-b:

Me: So, how it’s going?

Sophie: Fine… but, honestly, I’m constantly hungry. It’s difficult to find the food. I wonder how you could survive for so long.

Me: By a miracle, I guess… I just got incredibly lucky. I didn’t get an infection, found fruits and edible roots in jungle… et cetera, et cetera… Long story…

Choice 5-c:

Me: Soph…

Sophie: Uh?

Me: A penny for your thoughts.

Sophie: What? You really think it’s a good time for it?

Me: If you don’t want – don’t answer… I’m not going to force you.

Sophie: Sorry, that was a kind of rude.

She smiles.

Sophie: Anyway, I will double. Two pennies for your thoughts.

Me: I’m thinking how to make a conversation with you. For more than two years, I couldn’t talk to anyone but seagulls and piece of stone, so it’s kind of difficult for me.

Sophie: Hahaha… I could guess that. Now I owe you two pennies for nothing.

Me: I’m not sure you will be able to pay me.

Sophie: What do you want to say?

Me: Well, if you think you REALLY would give two pennies – I will take my words back.

Sophie: I see…

She looks into the fire, thinking about something. I decide to take a short brake and enjoy the silence.

I didn’t expect I would say that, but I really missed her. To be alone on this forgotten island isn’t piece of cake. Not every person can save his mind. I couldn’t save mine. I had to change myself to survive. To become stronger. To become stricter.

I changed myself. I survived, despite of price. Now I can proudly say – I’m strong.

But, what worries me most – what happened to Soph. What did she feel, when she got home? How did she change herself? I don’t know. I will never ask her about it…

Sophie: Cuz… Do you want to go home?

Me: That’s impossible. After what happened… my home is here.

Me: I mean… You know about what I’m talking about.

Me: There is no fucking way I can go back home. Everyone knows about what happened here, right?

Sophie: Man…

Me: There is no your blame. I don’t afraid of being infamous, because it’s me, who is the most horrible judge for myself. I’m a terrible person, Soph.

Me: I will stay here for the end of my life, memorizing about what I’ve done.

Me: That’s my choice.

Sophie: I… I can’t recognize you, cuz. I didn’t expect that from you.

Me: As you said, I changed.

Sophie: But if things were different? If you just got lost in jungle and I thought you died and abandoned you? Would you like to go home?

Choice 6:

a) “Yes” (be serious)

b) “I don’t know” (joke)

Choice 6-a (+0 Relations):

Me: Definitely. I would miss my family, friends, good food…

Sophie: Do you say, you don’t miss anyone?

Me: Not really. There is no way back, and I made my mind to it. When you know, that you will spend rest of your life alone, you don’t miss someone much.

Me: Well, at least, I don’t.

Sophie: You are strange…

Choice 6-b (+1 Relations):

Me: I really don’t know.

Me: You see, in that case, if I return, you would become infamous.

Me: “Girl left her cousin stranded on the forgotten island”. I wouldn’t do this for you.

Me: So, I guess, I would stay here and take your secret to my tomb.

Sophie: Hahaha… You are so kind…

Sophie: The evening is close, and I still have to find something to dinner. I should go…

Me: Good luck… I was… kind of glad to see you…

Sophie: Heh, I could say the same. Kind of… See you soon?

Me: Maybe…

She stands up and disappear into the jungle. I sit near the fire and think about us.

Dude, everything could be different then. Everything. And you was a fucking perv… You made everything wrong…


Another couple of days pass as usual. No meeting, no thoughts, no actions. Just Robinsons’ weekdays.

So, it’s almost midday and I’m just in the heart of the jungle, hunting boars.

Today my traps are empty, so I gonna do it the brutal way – with bow, arrows and spear. I’m good in it.

I almost sure I found a hot trace, when, suddenly, I hear a loud scream deeper inside the forest.

Shit, that must be Soph. What happened?

I forget about anything and run into the forest, finding the sound.

Sophie: O my god! Help!

I don’t say anything. Silence is very important. I recognize where she is and reach her within half a minute.

Or, almost reach…

I can see Sophie. She is lying on the ground, trying to hide behind the tree. From whom? From a giant boar. It looks angry.

Sophie: Heeeeelp!

She hasn’t enough time. I don’t hesitate even a moment.

Me: Hey, you, bastard! Only through my dead body!

My arrow hit the boar’s arm. Boar turns to me.

Another shot.

Damn! How could I miss?

Boar runs to me incredibly fast. I can shot one more time or fight it with spear. I have to act quickly.

Choice 7:

a) Shoot it.

b) Throw the bow and prepare to fight.

Choice 7-a:

The boar is too fast. I shot, when it was directly in front of me.

Right in eye. Victory.

Choice 7-b:

I quickly throw my bow and catch the spear. I have enough time to prepare myself to strike.

Ha! Right in throat. You will die in agony, bastard!

Ouch… my hip… I don’t know how, but boar torn my hip with it’s claw. Shit, I’m losing blood.

I should check Soph first. Maybe, she needs my help.

I find Sophie near the tree. She fainted.

Oh, shit! Her leg! It’s badly cut. Where could she…

Ah, I don’t have time. She’s bleeding too. And I have only one bandage with me to wrap the wound. It definitely isn’t enough for both of us.

Choice 8:

a) Bandage Sophie

b) Bandage yourself

Choice 8-a (+1 Relations):

She lost consequence, so, maybe, she lost lots of blood. I have to bandage her as quickly as I can.

I wrap her leg with bandage. It seems, blood stopped. The cut is skin-deep but long enough. I hope she won’t have an infection.

With last small piece of bandage, I cover my wound and pressure it with my belt. Not actually what I need, but I’m able to go to the camp.

Choice 8-b (+0 Relations):

Her cut seems skin-deep, and I’m losing blood. I won’t be able to reach my camp without bandage.

I quickly wrap my hip. It’s seems, I have a small piece of bandage left. Good. I cover Sophie’s wound with it. It’s not enough, but better than nothing.


Me: Well, it gonna be hard…

I stand up and take Sophie on my hands. Thanks God, she is not too heavy for me. Let’s go. I start limping east.

I walk during almost two hours. My hip hurts hard, but I don’t pay attention on it. However, I fell I’m losing power with every step.

Finally, outer wood.

Sophie: Ouch… Where am I?

Soph came to life! Thanks God!

Me: Just near my camp… Everything is fine.

Choice 8-a:

Me: Can you walk? I really don’t think I can carry you anymore.

Sophie: I cut my leg, but now… Ow, you wrapped it. Thank you. Yes, I think, I can go several feet by myself.

I carefully put her down on the ground. She is limping, but seems Ok.

Sophie: Oh, no, cuz! You are bleeding!

Me: Yep, that fucking boar kind of spoiled my skin. And I had got only one bandage for us both.

Sophie: And you gave it to me? Cuz, you are dumbass! You are going to pass out!

Me: No, no, I’m fine. But I really could use a helpful hand.

Sophie: Sure…

She puts her hand around me and helps me reach a cabin.

Sophie: Do you have any more bandages?

Me: Yes, but it won’t help me. The wound is too deep. I need something stronger. I need a fire.

Sophie: What?

Me: I need to make I fire. Trust me.

Sophie: OK. And, man… thank you. You saved my life. It was the bravest thing I saw.

Me: You’re welcome, Sophie.

Choice 8-b:

Me: You hurt your leg, Soph. Sorry, I didn’t have enough bandages. That fucking boar wounded me.

Sophie: Everything is fine, right? So it’s OK.

Somehow, I managed to limp to my cabin and lay Sophie on my bad.

Me: It’s gonna hurt.

Sophie: I’m ready, go on.

I wash her cut with seawater, and then with fresh water. Soph trying to hold herself, but several times she hiss cause of pain. Finally, I wrap her leg with clear bandage.

Me: I’ve done. How do you feel?

Sophie: I’m OK. And you definitely should change your bandage.

I look down and see that my bandage is soaked up with blood.

Me: Shit, the wound is too deep. The bandage isn’t an option. I need a fire.


I limp to the fireplace and make a fire. Within ten minutes, there are some hot embers, where can I place my knife.

Sophie: Cuz, are you sure?

She seats next to me, looking what I’m doing.

Me: Just don’t look.

Knife is already red-hot. I quickly uncover my wounded hip and wash it with fresh water. Then, I carefully take my knife and cauterize my wound. The pain is so hard that I can’t help myself from crying.


Shit, that’s not enough. Another side of wound…


That’s all. I quickly stick my knife into the sand and run towards the sea. I have to wash my burn with water.

Me: Auch! SHIT! SHIT! Ugh…

That feels even more painful. After a couple of minutes, I return to Soph, who still sitting near the fire.

What is it? Unbelievable! She paled. Sophie paled!

Sophie: Man… you are fucking hardcore.

Me: Aw, come on, Soph. I had a perfect example.

She smiles.

Sophie: I wasn’t that type. Yeas, I was brave and good in arching, but…

Sophie: I never will be able to do those things you did today. It… it isn’t by my side.

Sophie: You are just like a Rambo, cuz. I couldn’t change you that way.

Me: Thank you, Soph.

Me: I didn’t expect, someone would complement me that way.

Sophie: Aw, cuz…

Me: I will go back to the jungle. We need some meat, aren’t we?

Me: Evening is close. You can stay here for a night.

Sophie: Well… OK. Good luck, cuz.

I head to the woods.

It’s a long walk to the place where I killed a boar, so I have much time to sort out my thoughts.

/ Well, now we should check our Relations. If it’s 0 or higher, we have Good Final, if lower – we have Bad Final /

Good Final:

Firstly, I wasn’t glad to see Soph. I was afraid of her. I was afraid of myself.

I thought, I’m bad person.

Now, I can say – I was wrong. I changed. Now I’m different. Not good yet, but not bad. And Sophie saw that, I’m sure.

Sophie… She almost the same.

Despite of what happened I can say… I… love her?


She is my kin. She is my cousin. And I love her. As my sister, of course.

I can’t blame her…

Bad Final:

Stranded here alone, for three years… filled with memories. Filled with regrets. Filled with fears.

I managed to change myself. I’m not that perv, I was. I’m not bad man anymore.

Did Sophie notice that?

I am not sure.

She changed too… she is not that Soph, I knew.

And I’m afraid of her.

At last, I reach the dead boar. I cut the best pieces of meat and put them into my bag. I don’t know, how much time do I have. I think I should go back as fast as I can.

It’s almost evening, when I’m back home. Sophie goes out from the cabin with sleepy look on her face.

Me: I’m back, cuz. Got some wonderful meat for us tonight.

Sophie: Thanks God! If you want, I can cook it and do the staff.

Me: Thank you, Sophie! You are the best!

I give her my bag and go to the shore.

Next hour I spend, swimming in warm water. My hip is almost all right, so I can really enjoy this evening. Life is beautiful.

It got dark, so, in the end, I just lie on my back in swallow water, looking on the stars. Night sky here is so wonderful…

Sophie: Cuz! Diner is ready!

Me: I’m coming.

The meat tastes good. Not chewy, with fat and spices. Some potatoes, which Sophie found wile I wasn’t around and cooked on embers, complete this perfect diner.

Me: Soph, that was awesome! Nice work.

Sophie: Thank you, cuz. It was you, who killed the boar.

Me: That wasn’t totally my achievement. You took important role today.

Sophie: Yep, being princess-in-trouble.

Me: Come on, Sophie, don’t be so strict with yourself.

We sit several minutes in comfortable silence, enjoying heat of fireplace.

Good final:

Sophie: Cuz.

Me: Yep?

Sophie: I understand, why you don’t want to go home. This place is beautiful. And you are an important part of it.

Sophie: The most important part of it, I guess.

Sophie: You did awesome things here. I… I really couldn’t image, that you will be able to survive on the uninhabited island in the middle of the ocean.

Sophie: You are different now… Like… like…

Sophie: I don’t know to whom compare you…

Me: Sophie…

I look into her eyes…

Me: You don’t need words… I understand you without them. Thank you a lot.

She smiles.

Sophie: Cuz… you are awesome…

Me: Soph, I think it’s right moment to say… Please listen to me… listen to my heart.

She looks at me very seriously.

Me: I’m so sorry for doing that shit… I was fucking unthankful perv… you saved my ass and I… I feel so guilty…

Me: All this time I blamed you for trying to kill me. I am sorry for that too.

Me: Actually, you did the best thing anyone anywhen did for me. I changed only because of you. It sounds crazy, but… Thank you…

Me: And forgive me, Soph.

Sophie: Cuz…

She sobs. I see tears on her face.

Sophie: Cuz…

Suddenly she leans to me. Affected, I awkwardly hug her.

I hear she cries.

Sophie: I’m sorry, cuz…

/Ending #1/


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