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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

B) Choose the correct option a-c to complete the sentences.

1. The company........in car sales for many years.

a) has been dealing b) was dealing c) is dealing


2. The manager......our branch office three times so far this year.

a) visited b) has visited c) had visited


3. Mark........at a company for seven years before he started his own business.

a) was working b) has been working c) had been working


4. I........the approval of three committee members before Bob signed off on the


a) had already got b) did already get c) have already got



5........... us the new price list of your products yet? We need it as soon as possible.

a) did you send b) have you sent c) had you sent


6. I........... the report when my boss asked for it.

a) didn't finished b) hadn't finished c) haven't finished


7. How long.......in sales?

a) have you worked b) have you been working c) were you working


8. Вefore John celebrated his 26th birthday, he........ his own company.

a) started b) has started c) had started




V. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.


1.I confirm the reservation.

The reservation.........by me.

a) is confirmed b) confirms


2. We will deliver the goods immediately.

The goods..........immediately.

a) will deliver b) will be delivered


3. The president gave John an award.

John.......an award by the president.

a) was given b) is given


4. The employees are improving the situation.

The situation.........by the employees.

a) is improving b) is being improved


5. The committee will not announce the decision until next week.

The decision......... by the committee until next week.

a) will not be announced b) will not announce






VI. a) КОПР № 1

B) Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. Tom agreed....... me with the work.

a) to help b) helping


2. They recommend.........insurance with the product.

a) purchasing b) to purchase


3. He managed........the job on time.

a) finishing b) to finish


4. They mentioned........a new car last week.

a) buying b) to buy


5. I really enjoy.......new skills.

a) to learn b) learning


6.They guarantee.........the work before 5 o'clock.

a) to finish b) finishing






VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Fiscal policy regulates the functioning of the tax system and government

spending. Both affect economic growth.


2. A progressive taxation system operates in many countries of the world.

The more money a person earns the higher the tax he pays.


3. Government spending can affect economic growth through the so-called

multiplier effect.


4. Monetary policy involves making changes to the interest rate and controlling

the money circulating in the country.



A. Read this text

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