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Ex.6. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What are materials? Materials are solid substances of which manufactured products are made.

2. What groups do materials belong to? Materials belong to two main groups: 1. natural materials and 2. extracted materials.

3. How are natural materials generally used? They are generally used as they are found.

4. Do natural materials include alloys and plastics? No, they don’t.

5. Extracted materials are created through processes that expend a great deal of energy or alter the microstructure of the substances used to make the materials, aren`t they? Yes, they are.

6. How long have people used such metals as copper, gold, iron, and silver? People used these metals for thousands of years.

7. What materials conduct electricity better than insulators? Semiconductors and conductors conduct electricity better than insulators.

Ex.7. Study the following pairs of derivatives, transform as in the model:

V→ N Adj→ Adv
to create – creation; создавать - создание original – originally; исходный - изначально
to construct – construction; строить - строительство to add – addition; добавлять – довавка to alter – alteration; менять - изменение to insulate – insulation; изолировать - изоляция to include – inclusion; включать - включение to occur –occurrence; проявляться - проявление to contain – container; содержать - контейнер to conduct – conductor; проводить - проводник primary – primarily; первый – во-первых easy – easily – лёгкий - легко artificial – artificially; искусственный - искусственно

Model 1: to include stone – the inclusion of stone

to create a new composite material – the creation of anew composite material,

to construct a building – the construction of a building,

to occur in nature – the occurrence in nature,

to alter the microstructure – the alternation of microstructure,

to add another substance – the addition of another substance.

Model 2: a sudden appearance – to appear suddenly

an easy stretch – to stretch easily,

an artificial combination – to combine artificially,

a primary mixture – to mix primarily.

Ex.8. Choose the right word or word-combination:

1. Natural materials, which include stone, wood, and … are used much as they occur in nature.

a) alloys b) wool c) plastics

2. Biological materials are substances that … as part of a plant or animal.

a) are formed b) grew c) develop

3. Wood is a valuable biological material because of its strength, toughness, and low….

a) stiffness b) density c) creep

4. Plastics are synthetic materials made up primarily of … called polymers.

a) long chains of molecules b) mineral compounds c) biological materials

5. Engineers may artificially combine various materials to create a new composite material.

a) primarily b) easily c) artificially

Ex.9. Insert the right words:

develop, cement, electricity, thermoplastics, are used, processes, various natural substances


1. A variety of materials are used in different products.

2. Extracted materials, such as plastics, alloys and ceramics, are created through the processing of various natural substances.

3. Biological materials are substances that develop as part of a plant or animal.

4. Extracted materials are created through processes that expend a great deal of energy or alter the

microstructure of the substances used to make the materials.

5. Ceramics include such everyday materials as brick, cement, glass, and porcelain.

6. There are two basic types of plastics: (1) thermosetting plastics and (2) thermoplastics.

7. Semiconductors are materials that conduct electricity better than insulators, but not as well as conductors, at room temperature.

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