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Annex J



Reinforced masonry members subjected to shear loading:

enhancement of f vd

(1) In the case of walls or beams where the main reinforcement is placed in pockets, cores or cavities filled with concrete infill as described in 3.3, the value of f vd used to calculate V RD1may be obtained from the following equation:



provided that f vd is not taken to be greater than N/mm2,



A s is the cross sectional area of the primary reinforcement;

b is the width of the section;

d is the effective depth;

γ M is the partial factor for masonry.


(2) For simply supported reinforced beams or cantilever retaining walls where the ratio of the shear span, a v, to the effective depth, d, is six or less, f vd may be increased by a factor, χ, where:




provided that f vdis not taken to be greater than 1, 75/ γ M N/mm2


The shear span, a v, is taken to be the maximum bending moment in the section divided by the maximum shear force in the section.


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