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Compound adjectives

Adjective / adverb + past participle Adjective or adverb plus past participle is one of the most common patterns for forming compound adjectives. Some common examples would include:
cold-blooded kind-hearted old-fashioned open-minded
bow-legged cross-eyed red-haired snub-nosed

Most animals are warm-blooded but reptiles are cold-blooded.

He was an old-fashined house, but was kind-hearted and open-minded.

He was a cold- blooded murdere and showed no emotion of any kind.

There are sometimes many possible combinations, e.g. broad-minded, narrow-minded, absent-minded, strong-minded, as well as open-minded. It is partly a matter of knowing which adjectives or adverbs go with which participles and nouns. We have brightly-lit streets, but also brightly-colored dresses.

Compound adjectives are regarded as productive features of English which means that use is not so restricted as it is in many categories of grammar. New combinations are always possible.

Complete the sentences with appropriate compound adjectives: four-foot, open-minded, brightly-lit, green-eyed, all-too-common, part-time, cold-blooded, well-behaved.

1 This is a … table.

2 Daniella is a… worker.

3 This is an … error.

4 Beware of the … monster.

5 He is a … man.

6 I love this … room!

7 Danny’s dog is ….

8 You have to be … about things.


Exercise1. Listen to a historian who has written a book about captain Scott [Part III p. 176], [1, T.27]. Underline the things he mentions.

preparation planning animals arguments diaries geography accident food money time of year clothes transport weather Scott’s personality

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