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Act two, scene five


The forest seems to grow bigger, thicker — and amongst the trees, people searching, looking for the missing wizards. But slowly people melt away until HARRY is left alone.

He hears something. He turns to his right.

HARRY: Albus? Scorpius? Albus?

And then he hears the sound of hooves. HARRY is startled. He looks around for where the noise is coming from.

Suddenly BANE steps forward into the light. He is a magnificent centaur.

BANE: Harry Potter.

HARRY: Good. You still recognize me, Bane.

BANE: You’ve grown older.

HARRY: I have.

BANE: But not wiser. For you trespass on our land.

HARRY: I have always respected the centaurs. We are not enemies. You fought bravely at the Battle of Hogwarts. And I fought beside you.

BANE: I did my part. But for my herd, and our honor. Not for you. And after the battle, the forest was deemed centaur land. And if you’re on our land — without permission — then you are our enemy.

HARRY: My son is missing, Bane. I need help finding him.

BANE: And he is here? In our forest?


BANE: Then he is as stupid as you are.

HARRY: Can you help me, Bane?

There’s a pause. BANE looks down at HARRY imperiously.

BANE: I can only tell you what I know... But I tell you not for your benefit but for the benefit of my herd. The centaurs do not need another war.

HARRY: Neither do we! What do you know?

BANE: I’ve seen your son, Harry Potter. Seen him in the movements of the stars.

HARRY: You’ve seen him in the stars?

BANE: I can’t tell you where he is. I can’t tell you how you’ll find him.

HARRY: But you’ve seen something? You’ve divined something?

BANE: There is a black cloud around your son, a dangerous black cloud.

HARRY: Around Albus?

BANE: A black cloud that may endanger us all. You’ll find your son again, Harry Potter. But then you could lose him forever.

He makes a sound like a horse’s cry — and then makes hard away — leaving a bewildered HARRY behind. He begins to search again — now with even more fervor.

HARRY: Albus! Albus!


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