
. In a Department Store




In a Department Store

Pretty girl: I want to buy a coat.

Assistant: Coats are upstairs on the next floor.

Fat man: Where can I get a hot meal?

Assistant: The restaurant is on the tenth floor.

Little girl: I want to buy some bottles of fruit juice.

Assistant: They are on the next counter on your left, dear.

Tall lady: I want some tins of tomato paste.

Assistant: Try the supermarket in the basement.

Gentleman: Could you tell me where the travel agency is?

Assistant: Its right next to the restaurant on the tenth floor.

Student: I want to buy a football.

Assistant: Take the lift to the sports department. Its on the top floor.

Little boy: Could you tell me where the telephone is?

Assistant: Its on the twelfth floor opposite the photographers.

Twins: Could you tell us the time please?

Assistant: Yes. Its exactly twenty-two minutes to ten.


1. Hallo. Kitty here. Could I speak to Peter, please?

Sorry, but hes out.

2. Hallo. Patrick Cowel speaking. Could I talk to Stella, please?

Im afraid shes not here. Can you call later?

3. You will stay a bit longer, wont you?

Sorry, I cant. I promised my baby-sitter to be back at ten at the latest.

4. What do you think of the place?

Oh, its a delightful spot!

5. I think Ive lost the passports, Daddy.

How stupid of you, Peter. Didnt you put them in your pocket?

6. Would you like some cream in your coffee, Mrs. Clark?

No, thank you. But Id like a little milk.

7. I must apologize for all the trouble weve caused.

Oh, its no trouble at all.

8. Where did I put my screwdriver? I want to tighten up these loose screws ( ) on the door hinges ( ).

You had it in your hand when you went into the kitchen right now.

9. How have your two sons been doing at school lately, Andy?

I dont know what I should do: Richard never starts working, and Greg never stops slaving ( ) at his books.

10. Have you heard that young Patrick Ellis has been fired?

How awful! Hes forgotten a golden rule: Never blackmail or bribe managers.

11. Would you mind putt ing out your cigarette?

I beg your pardon?

This is a no smoking compartment!

Is it? I didnt see the sign. Im terribly sorry.



I: Are you OK?

J: Yes, Im all right, but what about my car?

I: Theres not too much damage.

J: What! Just look at it! I only bought it last week. You shouldnt have been going so fast.

I: Well, Im sorry, but it wasnt my fault.

J: Wasnt your fault? What do you mean? I had right of way ( ).

I: Im afraid you didnt. You shouldnt have come out like that.

J: Why not? Theres no sign.

I: What's that there then?

J: Oh, yes. A stop sign. I must have missed it.

I: Well, you should be more careful. You could have killed us all!

J: Yes... Im sorry. What more can say?

I: All right... all right. At least nobodys hurt. Here come the police. Youd better explain it to them.


13. Hows his sister?

Shes much better as I know.

14. Lock the door and sit down.

Why? Whats the matter?

15. How should I help?

Mm... Wash the linen and press (iron) the clothes.

16. What did he say about Miss Grey?

He said she was pretty.

17. Those children are absolutely unbearable.

Dont be too hard () on them.

18. Are there many English books in your collection?

Not many, but they are all worth reading.

19. Will you take part in the project?

I think the game is not worth the candle.

20. How should I keep these things?

You should keep them at a room temperature.

21. How should he improve his phonetics?

He should produce the sounds more carefully.

22. Do you know why hes so upset?

His friends have crack ed some ruthless jokes (). Its disgusting!

1 , . . : , - / . . . .: , 2004. 144 .

2 Baker, Ann. Ship or sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course / Ann Baker. Cambridge University Press, 2006. 173 p.


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