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Task 3. Match the term in line A with their equivalent in line B.

13. IHL (a) United Nations
14.ICRC (b) Organization of African Unity – the African Union
15. IGOs (c) International Humanitarian Law
16. WFP (d) internally displaced persons
17. UN (e) World Food Programme
18.OAS (f) Intergovernmental organizations
19. OAU (g) Organization of American States
20. IDPs (h) International Committee of the Red Cross


Task 4. Read the situations (21 – 27) and choose the right answer.

Model: 21 - c

21. You are in a village where fighting is taking place against enemy forces. According to International Humanitarian Law (IHL), which of the following categories are you forbidden to attack deliberately.

(a) Individuals who are not taking part in the fighting, such as civilians.

(b) Individuals who have ceased to take part in the conflict, such as wounded combatants.

(c) Civilians who are providing assistance to enemy combatants, such as drivers of civilian vehicles delivering weapons to enemy forces.

(d) Military personnel who are serving in religious and medical units.

(e) Answers a) and b) are true.


22. Who is defined as a combatant who has violated international law?

(a) A combatant who hides among civilians.

(b) A combatant dressed in civilian clothing who conceals his weapons.

(c) A combatant who does not belong to the regular forces of a State.

(d) Answers a) and b) are true.

(e) Answers a) and c) are true.


23. The unit that you are commanding is planning a military operation in enemy territory. IHL prohibits indiscriminate attack and attacks against non-military targets. Which attacks are permitted?

(a) An attack directed against schools serving as a hiding place for enemy forces.

(b) An attack using weapons which are not accurate enough to guarantee distinction between civilian villages, schools, and military bases within the area targeted for operations.

(c) An attack on a bridge that is used, among others, for military purposes.

(d) Attacks against houses of prayer that are used as a military base for launching missiles.

(e) Answers a), c), and d) are true.


24. Which of the following activities constitute war crimes?

(a) The deliberate shelling of a civilian population.

(b) The use of force against prisoners in order to extract important information regarding the deployment of enemy forces.

(c) Taking an enemy combatant prisoner and, without allowing him a fair trial, not releasing him at the end of hostilities.

(d) Acts of pillage in a village located in enemy territory.

(e) All of the answers are true.

25. Enemy forces are making military use of a civilian bridge to transport weapons and kidnapped soldiers. The bridge is also used by civilians escaping the fighting. According to intelligence estimates, in the event of an assault on this bridge, over 100 civilians are likely to lose their lives. If flyers are dropped from the air to warn the population against attack and to urge them to leave the area, the number of casualties will decrease by 80%. However, this involves forfeiting the element of surprise which will most likely cause the enemy combatants to move their positions far from the bridge, and there will then be no reason to attack it. Would you choose to turn the bridge into a target?

(a) Yes, if the bridge makes an effective contribution to the enemy’s military activity and its total or partial destruction will weaken the enemy.

(b) No, since shelling the bridge will cause the death of over 100 civilians, including women and children.

(c) Yes, since the bridge has become a military target – but only on condition that flyers be dropped warning the population of the danger.

(d) Answers a) and c) are true.


26. Your unit is forced to sink an enemy submarine. After it is sunk, there are survivors who might reveal the location of your ship.

(a) (You decide) I will attack the survivors because they are combatants.

(b) (You decide) I will attack the survivors because it is a military necessity.

(c) I will not initiate any attack since they are survivors.

(d) I must take action to save them as required under IHL.


27. Can the war that the USA is waging against Al-Qaeda be defined as an international armed conflict?

(a) Of course, the conflict is between an international terror organization that is operating from the territory of hostile states.

(b) No, Al-Qaeda is a terror organization and not a state, so the conflict is considered a non- international armed conflict.

(c) International law does not specifically deal with this subject, and there is no agreement between experts on the nature of such conflicts.

Task 5. Fill in the missing prepositions from the list:

in on of to by for

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