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Different verb forms

The figures show a positive trend. (present simple)

We’ re watching the trends carefully. (present continuous)

Last year we made a loss. (past simple)

In recent months our profits have risen dramatically. (present perfect)

If sales drop further, we’ ll be in serious financial difficulty. (first conditional)

Ex. 1. What kind of movement do the verbs below describe? Match them to the symbols. Then compare your answers with a partner. (Use some symbols more than once.)



decline gain drop increase rocket plummet
double fall halve level off triple recover
decrease fluctuate improve peak rise zoom

Which of the above verbs also have noun forms? What are they?

For example: to increase – an increase.

Ex. 2. Complete these sentences with appropriate prepositions.

1. Sales have increased... €5m … €7m.

2. Sales have increased … €2m.

3. There has been an increase … €2m in our sales.

4. Sales now stand … €7 million.

5. Sales reached a peak … €7 million in July.

6. Sales reached a low point … €1 million in April.

B. Discuss the following issues:

1. What is the difference between fiscal and monetary policies?

2. How will you comment on Adam Smith’s words that “the only good budget is a balanced budget”?

3. What are the tools of fiscal policy?

4. Who carries out fiscal policy?

5. What are the effects of expansionary fiscal policy in the economy?

6. Can fiscal policy produce inflation?

7. What recent examples of fiscal policy in the world do you know?

8. Did they bring positive results for the economy?

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