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The Founder of IBM

Ø 1) Decide what heading, from the given below, would you choose instead of “THE FOUNDER OF IBM”:






Thomas J. Watson Senior began his business career as a salesman and later, when he became President of IBM, he used his sales techniques in the company.

When Watson started working for the company in 1914, IBM took a leading position in the information-processing industry. Under his management, IBM employees got good salaries and good pensions. But he demanded long hours’ work and enthusiasm.

Up to the 1950, IBM never sold machines. They just rented them to their clients. It helped the company during the Depression of the 1930s. He made almost all decisions himself. There was no management training school in his days. He liked to give advice: “Be careful with people. Don’t say bad words, and don’t wear a white shirt.”


Ø 2) Name the statements which are true:

a) Thomas J.Watson was President of IBM.

b) He began his career as a Sales Director’s secretary.

c) He started working for IBM in 1920.

d) He demanded from employees to work much and be enthusiastic about what they do.

e) His policy of renting machines to the customers helped IBM during the 1930s.

f) The Depression in the USA was in the 1930s.

g) He was fond of saying, “Be friendly with people. Always praise them and wear a white shirt.”


Ø 3) Make up an outline of the text in writing.


Ø 1) Look at the heading and the words from the text and say what it is about: food manufacturer, a new production line, a daughter company, turnover, to employ, higher quality product, to test.

Ø 2) Look through the text and find:

a) the names of the companies,

b) the cost of a new production line at the main company,

c) largo’s turnover,

d) the number of employed people at Largo,

e) largo’s after-tax profits.


Snack food manufacturer Largo Foods has invested almost $4m in a new production line which will enable the company to double its production levels and boost its profits.

Resulting from the new production facilities, sales at Largo and its daughter company Potato Cuisine are expected almost to double next year.

Largo’s turnover is $20m but the company, which employs 240 people, had been unable to expand further as capacity was limited. The new $3.9m line will increase its turnover and will result in a higher quality product with a lower cost base. Largo’s after-tax profits are thought to be about $1.6m.

The company is currently testing a new snack and is working with a partner to develop the machinery needed to produce the new range. “Nobody else is doing this, we are leading the market, ” Managing Director said.


Ø 3) Answer the questions:

a) How will the new production facilities affect the sales at Largo and its daughter company?

b) What will be other benefits from the new production facilities?

c) What is the company doing now?


Ø 4) Read and translate the text into Russian in writing.

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