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Ex. III Answer the following questions. 1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

2. How many people live in London?

3. Where was London first built?

4. When did London become an important place?

5. Who made London his capital? When did he do it?

6. What happened in 1666?

7. What is the oldest part of London?

8. What is the Tower of London?

9. What is it used to be before?

10.What is it now?

11.What is the old tradition connected with the Tower?

12.Where is the House of Parliament?

13.What can you listen here?

14.What is Big Ben?

15.Where are the main government offices?

16.Where does the Prime Minister live?

17.Where does the Queen live?

18.What is the architecture of London?

19.What can you say about the buildings in London?

20.How many bridges are there over the river Thames?

21.What can you say about the British Museum?

22.Where is the National Gallery? What can you say about it?

23.How many sections does the Tate Gallery have?

24.What are they?

25.Does London look like an industrial city?

26.In what districts are the factories scattered?

27.Where were factories built 40 or 50 years ago?


Ex. IV Complete the sentences, using the text, translate them.

1. London is the capital of...

2. In... William the Conqueror made London his capital.
3.... in 1666 destroyed many wooden houses and dirty streets.

4. The oldest part of London is...

5. During the day it is full of..., but at the end of the day the... go home and the

City becomes... and almost...

6. By the Thames is...

7. It used to be a..., a..., and a....

8. Now it is open for...

9. It is an old tradition to keep...

10. The Houses of Parliament stand on...

11. Big Ben is one of the biggest... in the world.

12. Near Whitehall is a narrow street called...

13. The Queen lives in...

14. The Prime Minister lives...

15. The view of... is the most beautiful if it is seen from a bridge.

16. There are... bridges over the river...
17. … has a wonderful art collection.

18. It is also one of the most famous and important... in the world.

19. … has two sections.

20. London is also Britain’s...

21. … are scattered in the older city districts.


Ex. V Fill in the gaps, using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. London (to be) the capital of the UK.

2. More than 8 mln. people (to live) in Greater London.

3. London (to build) first on two low hills on the banks of the Thames. In the 5th

century London (to become) an important place.

4. It (to be) a great trading centre.

5. The Houses of Parliament (to be) in the part of Lon­don called the City of


6. They (to stand) on the north side of the Thames.

7. Here you can (to listen) to the chimes of Big Ben.

8. The architecture of London streets (to be) a mixture of old and new.

9. London (to have) more theatres and concert halls, more picture galleries and

museums, than any other British city.


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