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Ex.12. Fill in the missing prepositions.

… most consumer goods, producers have become market-oriented … growth … competition and the increasing knowledge … consumers … what is available.

Products, such as cookers, cars, televisions, have to be attractive … the customer to sell … competitors as all the products now perform their basic functions … a similar way. Service industries like banking and insurance have also become more market-driven.

(against, to, about, of, in (2), because of, for)



Exercises in Comprehension


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What do we call a market for a product?

2. What types of markets do you know?

3. What is a target market?

4. What is a market share?

5. When can the company be called the market leader?

6. What is a market niche?

7. What companies are market-driven?

8. What do companies do a market research for?


Ex.2. Sum up what the text says about:

s different types of markets

s target market

s market share, market segment, market niche

s market-oriented approach



Grammar Revision


The Passive Voice (Continuous) Form be + Past Participle Continuous Present the letter is being written Past the letter was being written Future ----------------------


Ex.1. Complete the sentences using the correct passive (continuous) form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I can do nothing when I know I (watch).

2. Close the door please, the matter just (discuss).

3. We watched how this information (collect).

4. President’s speech (translate) for the foreign guests.

5. When I came to my native town two years ago, this supermarket still (build).

6. When my father was a worker at this plant this work still (do) by hand.

7. My car (repair) now.

8. Don’t enter the room. My friend (interview) there.

9. The runways (lengthen) at all the main airports.

10. My proposal just (consider) when I came.

11. My office (redecorate) when I moved there.

12. I couldn’t give you our daily program, it still (work out).


Ex.2. Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice.

1. As I entered the office, I had the feeling that I (watch).

2. A lot of new experiments (make) in my husband’s laboratory now.

3. I am sure a lot of questions (ask) when I finish speaking.

4. This report (send) at once.

5. This money (spend) on market research next year.

6. Service (include) in the bill.

7. Don’t enter without invitation. A very important problem (discuss).

8. The program (work out) many years ago, but it still (use) with great success.

9. When the market (segment) last?

10. Market share often (use) as an indication for the success of a business.

11. The new method (show) to the young specialist today.

12. If we hurry with the work, it (spoil).


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