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Warm up. I.How many different ways of organizing a company can you think of?

I. How many different ways of organizing a company can you think of? Think of departments, products, markets.

II. If you work for a company or a firm, how would you describe the company structure?

III. Match the information about these multinational companies to the correct company logo.

Company logo Company activities The company says
The third largest record company in the world. It is also the world's largest publisher of songs and music.   a. “We are committed to providing high quality food”
The world’s largest hamburger restaurant company. It has over 19, 000 restaurants in 100 countries. b. “We lead the world in the provision of news and financial information to broadcasters, newspapers, financial markets and on-line services.”  
This company provides news and financial data to the business community. c.“We aim to be the world's premier music company in all aspects of our business.”
This company is an international air-express carrier. It delivers packages and documents all over the world. d.“We keep your promises.”

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