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F) Write 5-6 sentences expressing your opinion about traditional and online education.




1. Grammar to notice:

- Present Simple Tense;

- Past Simple Tense;

- Present Perfect Tense;

- Modal verbs


II. Learn to distinguish between these synonyms:

End, purpose, aim, goal, objective, target (цель)

a) Read the explanation to see the difference:

These words refer to the result towards which one chooses to direct activity. Purpose may suggest either a resolute, deliberate movement towards a result or the desired result itself: e. g. filled with high purpose. The specific overtone of purpose in either use is that of significance: e. g. unable to comprehend a universe without a purpose; a cruel act done on purpose. The other words do not have this implication.

Goal is closest to purpose. Goal suggests a personal determination: e. g. I achieved my own goal.

Aim suggests a general tendency: the aim of education, the aim of life. Aim is a small or short-term goal and is consequently less dramatic in tone than goal or purpose: e.g. going to London with the aim of seeing as many London sights as possible.

End is more formal and is mostly appropriate to philosophical or ethical discussions: e.g. End justifies the means.

Objective is more formal than the other words of this group and is often used for impersonal planning of an abstract or general nature: e.g. economic objectives of a new five year plan. Objective suggests a wider, more intangible (нематериальный) set of goals.

Target цель, мишень to fire at a target — стрелять по цели to hit / strike a target — попасть в цель, поразить цель to miss a target, to overshoot a target — промахнуться, не попасть в цель

Compare: task, assignment

b). Translate the following sentences where these synonyms are used:

1.In earlier periods this was less so, since a gentleman was supposed to seek an education as an “adornment to the mind, ” not for crassly commercial ends. 2. The movement for “progressive education” led by the American philosopher John Dewey promoted an alternative view – that schooling should be organized mainly around the task of teaching practical skills that students will require for their jobs and for other aspects of living as citizens in a modern society.

c) Make your own sentences using the words from the previous exercise.

II. Find information about higher education in South Africa, India, Republic of Corea, China, Japan and present your finding in a table as in previous exercise. Get ready to speak and compare it.

Areas/countries South Africa India Republic of Korea China Japan
2. Entrance requirements:          
3.Years of study to obtain the first University degree          
4. Curriculum development          
5. Types of school providing higher education          
6. Students’ performance assessment          
7. Teaching process organization          
8. Funding source          

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