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American Pop art painters

You are going to watch a story of American Pop Art by Sister Wendy Beckett, an art expert. Before you watch it, do Tasks 1 and 2.


Task 1. Paraphrase the following words and word combinations that you’ll come across in the video:

· to mass-produce paintings

· silk screen

· casualness

· crudeness

· a celebrity

· to give deep visual satisfaction


Task 2. Look at two Pop Art pictures. Can you guess the names of the artists? The text “Pop Art” in 3.7. Task 1 can help you.

_____________________. Marilyn Diptych. _________________________. Flag. 1954-55.


Now watch the video and do Tasks 3 and 4.


Task 3. Watch the video clip and check your answers in Task 2.


Task 4. Are the following statements true or false? Correct false statements.

1) Pop artists sought inspiration in the artistic heritage. T / F

2) In Pop Art, the mass-produced is of the same significance as the unique. T / F

3) Andy Warhol painted his pictures using a brush. T / F

4) Andy Warhol used images of celebrities in his pictures because he thought that famous people should be highly respected. T / F

5) In his pictures, Jasper Johns underlined not the importance of an object itself, but the way it was painted. T / F

6) Jasper Johns painted his Flag on canvas. T / F



Task 5. Prepare a description of a painting in Pop Art style and present it in class.



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