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Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I think we will find / are going to find social inequality, characterized by the unequal distribution of valued resources in every society.

2. However with the changing times and the ever-changing economy, the stratification system may not be a lasting one. Some analysts believe that society does and will have / is going to have room for change and more importantly, improvement.

3. A quote from a Kurt Vonnegut novel describes that a fictional America in the later 21st century will be represented / is going to be represented by absolutely no social inequality.

4. With this new system, there will be / is going to be less emphasis on wealth and thus less inequality among people.

5. The author is really convinced that hard workers and those with important life-long ethics will prosper / are going to prosper in this system, not just the wealthy.

6. My car won’t start / isn’t going to start. It must be the cold, I think.

7. Why don’t you come round tomorrow and I shall / am going to cook you a meal?

8. I’ ll start / am going to start a new job next week.

9. The movement of social class is termed societal mobility or simply society as a whole moving up or down in social class. But what will happen / is going to happen to this system in the future?

10.– Have you changed your mind about accepting the offer? – No, I shall accept / am going to accept it.

11.– I’ve come out without any money. – Never mind, I’ ll lend / am going to lend you some. How much do you want?

12.– Look what I’ve just bought at an auction! – What an extraordinary thing! Where will you put it / are you going to put it?

13.– Sure, I will try / am going to try to remember this concept. However, there are things beyond my comprehension.

Exercise 2

Complete the situation below. Use will/shall, going to, present continuous and the verbs given. Write a short summary.

Good afternoon dear ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the meeting! Today we ________ (talk) about the new approach to the concept of “social mobility”. So let me first outline the problem background.

As you may probably know, new social hierarchies have emerged quite

recently and this _______ (lead) to new opportunities for competition in the coming decade. Some analysts assume that India, for example, _______ (see) a real boom in employment, communication, distribution of goods, centralized administration, and urban living in a year or so. Therefore the criteria for determining occupations in India _______ (be) a person's skill and quality of performance rather than place of birth.

I’d also like to emphasize that the status of any given role is based on its economic rewards and mobility. The recent studies have shown that technological advances _______ (displace) certain groups as well as _______ (offer) the chance for upward mobility very soon. According to the forecasts some groups ______ (find) themselves displaced by developing technology because their economic and social status _______ (decline). In other cases, individuals _______ (find) new occupations with the opportunity for upward mobility.

If you need any further clarification or would like to share your vision of the problem you are welcome to the seminar which ________ (arrange) next Tuesday. Now let’s move to the other issue...

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