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Некоторые значения предлога for

№ п/п Значение Пример Перевод
1. за, ради Common people have al­ways been fighting forpeace. Простые люди всегда бо­ролись и борются за мир.
2. для I bought some milk formy neighbor. Я купил молока длясосед­ки.
3. в The children set off forschool. Дети отправились вшколу.
4. в I'm warning you forthe last time. Предупреждаю вас в по­следний раз.
5. на We've invited our guests forsix o'clock. Мы пригласили гостей нашесть часов.
6. от The doctor's given her some medicine for a cold. Врач дал ей лекарство от простуды.
7. из-за, по при­чине, вследст­вие We could hardly see forthe thick mist. For want of a nail a horse was lost. Мы почти ничего не видели из-за густого тумана. Из-за отсутствия гвоздя по­гибла лошадь.
8. несмотря на For all his efforts he did not succeed. Несмотря на все усилия, он потерпел неудачу.
9. в течение (мо­жет не перево­диться) I haven't seen her foryears. She didn't answer forsev­eral minutes. Я не видел ее много лет. Она не отвечала несколько минут (в течение несколь­ких минут).

We can be IN or AT the sea, a river, a lake, a swimming pool, etc. But notice that IN means actually in the water, wheras AT means near or beside;
LOOK! -AT the sea - near the sea - AT sea - 'on a ship'

IN normally expresses position. As in, The tickets are in my pocket.
INTO indicates movement, entrance.
For example: Carol walked into the room slowly.
The water changed into ice.
I poured the milk into the glass.
With the verb 'put', however, IN or INTO can be used.
For example: He put his hands in / into his pockets.

ON can be used for both position and movement.
For example: There are some pictures on the wall.
Snow fell on the hills.
ONTO is used only for movement, mainly of people and animals when there is a change of level.
For example: The cat jumped onto the sofa.


Both prepositions mean higher than, more than (temperature, price, age, measures)
For example: Flags waved above/over our heads.



Consider the teacher's desk and all the prepositional phrases we can use while talking about it. You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The teacher can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk, and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk. You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.

All of this happens, of course, in time: during the class, before the class, until the class, throughout the class, after the class, etc. And the professor can sit there in a bad mood


Таблица предлогов в английском языке

Таблица лексического значения (употребления) английских предлогов

Предлог Лексическое значение предлога Пример Перевод
at [æ t] время в (в часах и минутах) He came at 5 o'clock. Он пришёл в пять часов.
место на, у, около You can buy the cabbage at the market. Ты можешь купить капусту на рынке.
Let's meet at the car. Давай встретимся у / около машины.
on время в (в днях и датах) We will visit Donald on Friday. Мы навестим Дональда в пятницу.
место на The TV remote control is on the sofa. Пульт от телевизора лежит на диване.
о какой-либо тематике о, об I like magazines on fishing. Я люблю журналы о рыбалке.
in время в (в месяцах и годах); через (через определенный промежуток времени) Dorothy was born in June. Дороти родилась в июне.
The examination will start in three hours. Экзамен начнётся через три часа.
место в Mr. Milton is not in the office at the monent. На данный момент Мистер Милтон не в офисе.
to направление в, на; к (куда?) They are going to the theatre. Они идут в театр.
Philip is walking to work. Примечание: Слово home употребляется без предлога to. Philip is going home. Филипп идёт на работу. Филипп идёт домой.
She is coming to his car. Она подходит к своей машине.
дательный падеж в русском языке (кому?, чему?) без перевода Give this pen to me. Дай эту ручку (кому?) мне.
into направление в (внутрь) We are coming into the flat. Мы заходим в квартиру.
направление из, с, от My father is coming back from the theatre. Мой отец возвращается из театра.
Sylvia is coming back from work. Сильвия возвращается с работы.
Samuel is coming back from his friends. Самуэль возвращается от друзей.
родительный падеж в русском языке (кого?, чего?) от I have got a reprimand from the chief. I have got a letter from Lewis. What do you want from me? Я получил выговор от начальника. Я получил письмо от Льюиса. Что ты хочешь от меня?
before место до, перед Lewis left the room before John. Льюис покинул комнату перед Джоном.
until / till / время до She won't come back till the end of the month. Она не вернётся до конца месяца.
about время около Walter returns home at about seven o'clock in the evening. Волтер возвращается домой около семи часов вечера.
место около, вокруг Harry is wandering about the house. Гарри бродит вокруг / около дома.
предложный падеж в русском языке (о ком?, о чем?) о We are talking about a new movie. Мы разговариваем о новом фильме.
for время в течение Nicole has been learning Spanish for two years. Николь учит испанский язык в течение двух лет.
направление в; на/без перевода The train left for London one hour ago. Поезд уехал в Лондон час назад.
My son has gone for a walk. Мой сын ушёл на прогулку/(куда?) гулять.
дательный падеж в русском языке (кому?, чему?) для/без перевода I have bought a gift for my girlfriend. Я купил подарок для своей девушки/(кому?) своей девушке.
of родительный падеж в русском языке (кого?, чего?) без перевода Malcolm was invited for a meeting of ex classmates. Малькольма пригласили на встречу (кого?) бывших одноклассников.
предложный падеж в русском языке (о ком?, о чем?) o We are talking of a new movie. Мы разговариваем о новом фильме.
with творительный падеж в русском языке (с кем?, с чем?) с/со; вместе с/со My husband is flying to Spain with his colleagues next week. Мой муж летит в Испанию со/вместе со своими коллегами на следующей неделе.
Действие происходит с помощью/при помощи чего-либо. без перевода I moved the cabinet with my hands. Я передвинул шкаф (чем? / как?) руками.
Действия происходит от/по причине чего-либо. от, со She has turned pale with fear. Она побледнела от / со страха.
The teacher widely opened his eyes with amazement. Учитель широко открыл глаза от удивления.
by место у/рядом (с)/возле/около Joseph stood for a while by the door and knocked. Джозеф постоял некоторое время возле / у / около двери и постучал.
творительный падеж в русском языке (кем?, чем?) Сюда относятся случаи, когда действие совершается определённым способом. без перевода; на/без перевода Recently I have read a book that is was written by a very famous writer. Недавно я прочёл книгу, написанную очень известным писателем.
Her mother prefers travelling by car. Её мать предпочитает путешествовать на автомобиле/(как?) автомобилем.
after время после Isabel usually walks after breakfast. Изабелла обычно гуляет после завтрака.
since время с Daniel has been learning Chinese since he graduated school. Дэниел учит китайский язык с окончания школы.
during время в продолжение, в течение. Употребление этого предлога в лексическом значении времени напоминает предлог for. Разница заключается в том, что for указывает на продолжительность события, а during обозначает период времени, в течение которого происходило действие. Mark was sleeping during the film. Марк спал в течение фильма.
between место между My house is between the grocer and the parking. Мой дом расположен между продуктовым магазином и парковкой.
near / nearby место около, близ, у My house is nearby the parking. Мой дом находится около / у / близ парковки.
in front of место перед, напротив, спереди A school bus stopped in front of my house. Школьный автобус остановился напротив моего дома/ перед моим домом.
behind место за, позади, сзади, после He is behind the door. Он за дверью
Sharon is walking behind us. Шэрон идёт позади / сзади нас.
I am behind the woman in this queue. Я стою за женщиной/ сзади женщины в этой очереди.
across место через Why is your dog looking across the road so wary? Почему твоя собака смотрит через дорогу так настороженно?
above место над, выше There thousands of dragonflies above our heads. Над нашими головами летают тысячи стрекоз.
Neighbors above us are Portuguese migrants. Соседи над нами - мигранты из Португалии.
over место над Look! Our aircraft is flying over the sea. Смотри! Наш самолёт пролетает над морем!
under место под My dog likes sleeping under the table. Моя собака любит спать под столом.
below место под, ниже Her flat is below Michael's. Её квартира находится под квартирой/ниже квартиры Майкла.
along место вдоль, по Anthony is driving along the highway. Энтони едет по / вдоль шоссе.
round / around место за, вокруг Robbers turned round the corner. Грабители свернули за угол.
Alan is driving around the parking looking for some free place. Алан ездит вокруг парковки, выискивая свободное место.
past место мимо Lewis went past a flower shop and didn't buy flowers. Я прошёл мимо цветочной лавки и не купил цветы.
through место сквозь, через Postman pushed the letter through the door gap. Почтальон просунул письмо сквозь / через дверную щель.
out of направление из Ann has just gone out of the room. Энн только что вышла из комнаты.



Prepositions that follow Adjectives A * able to (+ verb) * absent from * angry with someone * angry about or at something * accustomed to something or someone (+ verb in the gerund) * anxious about something or someone C * capable of (+ verb in the gerund) * careful of something or someone (usually as a warning) * careful with someting or someone (usually when holding in the hands) E * eager for someone (+ verb in the infinitive) * eager for something * eager to (+ verb in the infinitive) * engaged to someone G * glad about something * glad to (+ verb) * good at something I * impossible for someone L * lucky at something * lucky to (+ verb in the infinitive) M * married to someone P * present at something S * sure of something * sorry about something * sorry for someone * sorry for doing something * surprised at something or someone T * tired of (refers to a feeling over a period of time) * tired out (refers to a physical fatigue) * tired out from (what ne is doing at the moment) W * worried about something or someone * weak in something


Prepositions that follow Verbs A * agree with or to something (I don't agree to/with that.) * agree with someone * agree with + clause (I don't agree with what he said.) * apologize to someone for something * ask for – просить что-л. B * belong to - принадлежать кому-л., к чему-л. C * congratulate on someone * compliment on someone D * dream of being or becoming something (plans for the future) * dream of or about something * depend on or upon someone E * explain to me F * fail in something * forgive someone for something J * jump over something or someone L * laugh at something or someone * leave for - уезжать в * listen to – слушать кого-л., что-л. * look at – смотреть на * look for – искать кого-л., что-л. * look after – присматривать за, заботиться о M * move to another house/apartment P * point something at someone * point to or at something (with the fingers) * put an end to - положить конец чему-л. O * object to – возражать против S * send for – посылать за * smile at something or someone * shout about something * shout at someone (when arguing) * shout for something (when asking for something) * shout to someone (drawing the person's attention) * stare at someone or something * start for – отправляться в T * throw something to someone (no intention to hurt the person) * throw something at someone or something (when there's intention to hurt) * take a test in something W * wait for – ждать кого-л., что-л.  


More Prepositions * a check for twenty dollars * a relationship with somene * a need for something * an attitude to or towards someone * a reason for something * a solution to a problem * an increase in someting * a reaction to something * an adavantage to something * a cause of something * a picture of someone * a damage to something * an invitation to a party * to pay by check * tohave something for breakfast * to do something by mistake * to go for a walk * a book by Shakespeare * to go on holiday * to go to a place for holiday * to be in love with someone * to be on fire * to listen to something * in one's opinion * to be on a diet * to go on strike * kind of someone to do something * kind to someone * delighted with something * bored with something * excited about something * afraid of something * pleased with * proud of something or someone * pushed for time (pressed for time) * jealous of someone * aware of something * impressed by or with something * responsible for something * famous for something * crowded with people * similar to something * different from someone * keen on something (smart) * interested in soemthing * fond of something * full of something * short on or of cash * sure of * surprised at * to apply for a job * to belong to someone * to care about someone (to think someone/something is important) * to care for an old person (to take care of) * to care for a cup of tea (Would you like?) * to take care of someone * to collide with something * to complain to someone about something * to concentrate on something * to consist of something * to crash into something * to die of an illness * to happen to someone * to hear about something (to be informed about something) * to hear of soneone or something (to know that it exists) * to hear from someone (to receive a letter from) * to live on money and food (to do on 100 dollars) * to look at someone * to look for something (to search) * to look after someone (to take care) * to pay someone for something * to pay a bill to someone * to rely on or upon someone * to search for something * to speak to or with someone (to talk/speak/meet with - exchange of ideas) * to think about someone or something (to consider/concentrate the mind on) * to think of someone or something (to rememebr/recall) * to think of something (to give an opinion) * to think about doing something (to plan) * to wait for someone * to write to someone


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