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The great fire of London


A man enters the Ritesville town art gallery______ through a window

As Harry jumps into the van, Janey sees_____in his shoe. a piece of glass

Harry feels______about breaking the vase. happy

Harry goes lo the town art gallery because he wants to_____ steal a painting

Harry lives in______. a rooming house

Harry takes the painting out of his bag as he gets to______. his room

Harry________the pieces of glass on the floor. steps on

Harry_______the painting and puts it under his bed. wraps

Janey gives Harry’s old____to the recycling van. newspaper

Janey Is the_______of the house owner. daughter

Janey takes the newspaper from under Harry’s bed because.. she wants to recycle it

When Janey calls the police they______. come and take Harry away



_______.died in 1658. Oliver Cromwell

________were called ‘Round heads’. Cromwell’s followers

Charles I explained his reason for closing Parliament: _________ I don’t need it’

Charles II offered to pay the army, but he didn’t want to _______ forgive his father’s killers

England’s days as a republic were over because_______. Charles II became the next king

It can be inferred from the text that many people in the country ______. were not satisfied with their king

Parliament decided to govern the country without the king in.. 1641

Parliament was closed by________ King Charles I

The King went to Scotland because.. he was defeated in the war

The pronoun “it” in the sentence ‘I don’t need it’ refers to. Parliament

The pronoun “they” in the sentence ‘They gave him to Cromwell’ refers to_______ the Scots

The word “to forgive” used in the text is closest in meaning to the word; to excuse



The potential hailstorms come from.. the ground surface

The noun ‘impact’ means... influence

It look_____for hail to destroy the Colorado farm boy’s harvest… 30 minutes

If the air is pure it is____. clean

The word 'devastation' Is closest in meaning to______ destruction

The general topic discussed In the text is____. a natural phenomenon

In lines 1-2 the phrase ‘it wipes you out’ means_____ hailstorms can cause financial ruin.

The verb ‘collide’ in this text means to______ run into

It can be inferred from the passage that some hailstones melt before reaching the ground because of their______.size

The Colorado scientist recognized a new record of hailstone for Its ______ size

The damage brought by hail in crop production annually accounts for______ a billion dollars

The phrase ‘the amazing specimen’ refers to_____ .ahailstone


A rose without a thorn

My favourite artist


Couple who survived amazing 66 days at sea



_______took part in rebuilding the city.Christopher Wren

_____of the city was destroyed by the fire.The greater part

Among the buildings destroyed by the fire was.______the old church of St. Paul

Christopher Wren was._______the famous architect of that day

In the middle of the 17th century London was______.a city of narrow, dirty streets

John Evelyn was______. a person who saw the terrible fire with his own eyes

London was a city of narrow and dirty streets in______ century.the 1 7th

The Great Fire broke out late on a Saturday night in a street not far from____.London Bridge

The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out______.in 1665

The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out______in 1665

The summer had been________a hot east wind blew and the fire spread quickly.dry

The words: " Reader, if you want to see his monument, look around" are written on_____grave.Wren's

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