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Level II

Seminar III

The Morphological Structure of English Words


1. Comment on the following terms:

morpheme allo-terms eme-terms morph stem   distributional analysis distribution · contrastive distribution · non-contrastive distribution (free alternation) · complementary distribution   bound morpheme – free morpheme overt morpheme – covert morpheme additive morpheme – replacive morpheme continuous morpheme – discontinuous morpheme segmental morpheme – suprasegmental morpheme


Do a test based on the theoretical material of the Lecture.

2.1. Choose among the alternatives

1. The peculiarity of English affixation is ….

a) that words are synonymous with roots

b) that words are antonymous with roots

c) that words are homonymous with roots

2. The suffix ity in the words necessity, peculiarity is ….

a) lexical

b) lexico-grammatical

c) grammatical

3. The term “…” is only applied to every morpheme serving to derive a grammatical form and having no lexical meaning of its own.

a) suffix

b) inflection (ending)

c) root

4. … is a way of expressing grammatical categories which consists in changing a sound inside the root.

a) suppletivity

b) sound alternation

c) suffixation

8. The suffix -er is added to teach-, driv- to produce ….

a) new forms

b) forms of words

c) new words

9. All prefixes in English are ….

a) lexical morphemes

b) derivational morphemes

c) grammatical morphemes

10. The function of the morpheme as a linguistic unit is ….

a) significative

b) predicative

c) nominative


2.2. Fill in the missing words.

1. In grammatical study we can find the following divisions: paradigmatic morphology, … morphology, … syntax, syntagmatic syntax.

2. The morpheme is the smallest … unit of language.

3. The main synthetic means are: …, sound alternation and suppletivity.

4. … is building a form of a word from a different stem.

5. A word has at least one … morpheme that is regarded as the root of the word.

2.3.Give definitions to the following terms.

1. A simple synthetic form is ….

2. An analytical form is ….

3. An allomorph is ….

4. Morphemic distribution is ….

5. The method of immediate constituents is …




3. Fill in the table and give your examples of morphemes:

Criterion Types of morphemes Examples of morphemes
1. degree of self-dependence    
2. formal presentation    
3. grammatical alternation    
4. linear characteristic    
5. segmental relation    
  1. Name the allomorphs of the grammatical morphemes of the plural number of nouns; the past of the verbs.
  1. State the meaning of the zero-morphemes in the examples:
    1. a table – tables;
    2. speak – speaks;
    3. young – younger – the youngest.

  2. Analyse the structure of the following words. Define the types of morphemes:
    1. workers
    2. returned
    3. immovable
    4. usefully
    5. greater
    6. meeting
  1. Define the meaning of the homonymous affixes:
    1. teacher, greater;
    2. man’s needs;
    3. wooden, oxen.


  1. Define the type of the morphemic distribution according to which the given words are grouped.
    1. Insensible – incapable (meaning the same, form is different – the morphs “-ible”
      and “-able” are in complementary distribution).
    2. spells – spelled;
    3. bell –bells;
    4. spelt – spelled;
    5. worked – spelled;


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