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Iv. Reconciliation (Recon)

Instructions for Translators and Editors


Please Note: The following applies to all our orders – unless agreed otherwise – and at all times: do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Project Lifecycle

A. Workflow for normal and DTP (Desktop Publishing) translation jobs

    1. External linguist Translation
    2. External linguist Proof
    3. Internal QM Proof
    4. Internal/External DTP [DTP jobs only]
    5. Post-DTP linguist proof [DTP jobs only]
    6. Post-DTP QM proof [DTP jobs only]
    7. Internal PM Final Eye (FE) edit
    8. Client revisions/edits [as needed]

B. Main assignment categories for linguists

I. Translation (Trans)

Translating a source document into a target language, using references when applicable.

Ii. Proofreading (Proof)

Checking a translation against the source file. Please note that the definition of Proofreading is closer to the industry term “Editing” and includes:

· Reading the translation without comparing it to the source to quickly assess language quality.

· Comparing the translation to the source for accuracy of translation, names, numbers, and to find any missing text.

· Reading the entire document for language, grammar, and punctuation errors

· Conducting research, if necessary.

· Entering all edits and conducting a final check for spelling, etc.


Please be sure to check the PO for a limit to the number of hours, as well as the translator’s contact information in case you need to discuss any aspect of their work. If you are able to do so, please consult the translator about your edits. Also, please let PM know immediately if you feel the quality of translation is less than satisfactory.

Iii. Back-translation (Backtrans)

Translating a previously translated document back into the source language – this is done particularly for advertising and pharmaceutical text to ensure that the source meaning is properly conveyed in the target language. The backtranslator must be a native speaker of the target language and should not see the original source text. This job may entail consultation with the original translator in order to clarify language.

iv. Reconciliation (Recon)

Comparing the back-translation to the original source file to detect differences in meaning. Any differences are brought up to the PM who coordinates with the proofreader of the front translation to either provide a new translation based on the feedback or give proper reasoning as to why the translation is correct. The Reconciler works with the PM, the back translator and often third party linguists to come up with a solution. The front translation is either altered based on the findings of Reconciliation or an explanation of why the front translation is actually correct is provided with the back translation. Often, a Recon grid is used to show the differences between the source and back translation and the decision made to resolve or to not resolve, if the front translation was fine to begin with. Any changes to the front translation implemented during the recon phase are updated in the backtranslation as well and vice versa.

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