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II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. изложить свою версию дела; 2. подчиняться законам; 3. состоя- ние правовой системы; 4. давать ложные показания; 5. потерпеть ущерб;

6. быть виновным в совершении преступления; 7. уладить спор; 8. отме- нить судимость; 9. отбывать пожизненное тюремное заключение; 10. оспа- ривать решение суда; 11. денежная компенсация; 12. достаточно безопас- ное и спокойное окружение; 13. быть освобожденным от отбывания нака- зания; 14. выиграть дело; 15. нарушать закон.

III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).


1. lose a case a. давать свидетельские показания, предъяв- лять улики

2. follow the law b. принять решение суда

3. commit a crime с. мягкий приговор

4. give evidence d. следовать закону

5. lenient sentence е. повторное судебное разбирательство

6. cruel treatment f. осуществить правосудие

7. accept the judgment g. представлять, передавать дела на рассмот- рение суда

8. administer justice h. проиграть дело

9. re-trial i. жестокое обращение

10. present a case j. совершить преступление



IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. The parties involved in a lawsuit; those involved in litigation; refers to all parties whether the claimants or defendants.

2. Criminal offence of making false statements under oath or affirmation.

3. Any violation of law for which a penalty is prescribed, including both felonies and misdemeanors.

4. The confinement of an individual to a particular place, usually in order to punish him for a crime; any deprivation of liberty or detention of a person contrary to his will.

5. In England one of two classes of legal practitioners, whose function is

‘the advocacy of causes in open court’ and related duties. He or she doesn’t prepare the case from the start.


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. accuse (v); 2. harm (n); 3. claim (n); 4. re-trial (n); 5. witness (n).


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right

(B) and give their Russian equivalents.


1. jury a. the quality of being righteous; impartiality; fairness; sound

reasoning; rightfulness, validity, reward or penalty as deserved

2. relevant b. the act of breaking into a house (usually at night) to commit theft or other felony

3. robbery c. judging and finding guilty of an offence

4. judgment d. something that tends to prove ground for belief; something legally presented before a court, as a statement of a witness, an object, etc., which bears on or establishes the point in question

5. conviction e. a court’s decision or judgment of the punishment of a

convicted person

6. evidence f. the act of taking personal property, money, etc. unlawfully by using or threatening force and violence

7. crime g. a group of people sworn in to hear the evidence and inquire into the facts in a lawsuit, and to give a decision in accordance with their findings

8. justice h. the act of hearing and passing a decision (on persons or cases) in a court of law

9. burglary i. an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it

10. sentence j. bearing upon or relating to the matter in hand; pertinent;

to the point


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