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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Under the Normans, the king began to appoint reeves to hear and decide disputes among the people and to enforce the king’s interests.


1. Under the Normans, the king began to appoint reeves to hear and decide disputes among the people and to enforce the king’s interests.

2. Historically, equity refers to a separate body of law developed in England in reaction to the inability of the common law courts to consider and provide a remedy for every injury.

3. Judicial decisions and therefore the law, based on the individual judge’s idea of justice creates uncertainty and itself leads to injustice.

4. Equity has been described as “a gloss on the common law”, making the English legal system more complete.

5. The formation of the common law was competed by about 1250 when Bracton wrote his famous “ Treatise on the Laws and Customs of England. ”


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words form the box.


1. grievance; 2. Probate Court; 3. perjured; 4. fall foul of the law; 5. under duress; 6. validity; 7. give smb. a remedy; 8. imminent danger; 9. delegated;

10. equity.


1. The trade union leader spoke about the _________________of the workers.

2. If you steal, you’ll soon.

3. You don’t know enough about the subject to question the

of my statements.

4. A defendant committed an offence because he was terrorized and was acting.

5. Deadly force may be employed whenever one reasonably believes that he is placed inof death.

6. The division and transfer of a deceased person’s property can be done only by the.

7. If a person could satisfy the Court of Chancery that he had suffered as a result of some wrongdoing by another person, the Court would


8. The law that was given in the Court of Chancery was known asmeaning even-handedness and fairness.

9. Not every monarch made a good judge, that was why Kings oftentheir work in the courts to others.

10. In ordeal by water the person whose oath was being tested was thrown in, if he floated, his oath was deemed to have been.

IX. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions from the box.


as; with(2); over; back; of(3); between; on(3); in (3); from; to; down.


1. Judges play an essential part in the lives of individual citizens – pre- siding cases of those accused crime, deciding disputes

citizens etc.

2. Many countries of the former British Empire draw English system of laws.

3. Almost all the main courts of today can be traced to William’s

Curia Regis.

4. the passage time the Court of Chancery tended to specialize certain areas of law.

5. The expression “a Chancery” in wrestling stems the days of bare-fisted fights.

6. As the popularity of the Court of Chancery grew it couldn’t cope

the volume of petitions presented it.

7. In 1606 Sir Edward Coke refused to convict perjury a man who had lied oath in the Court of Requests, the ground that it was “not a court”.

8. The work of the Court of Chancery became formalized and cases were bogged interminable delays.

9. The legal history of GB is rich landmark cases in which judges of the common law courts were revered great” common lawyers”.


X. Translate these sentences into English using the Active Vocabulary:


1. Если вы нарушите свою часть договора, то мы подадим жалобу в суд.

2. Этот судья – хитрая лиса. Он знает, как найти юридическую ла- зейку, используя технические формальности.

3. Вы всегда сможете передать часть своих полномочий своему заместителю, если возникнет необходимость.

4. Со временем она завоевала отличную репутацию и стала вопло- щением честного и справедливого судьи.

5. После того как общественности стало известно о плачевном положении Cомерсета и его дело было положительно рассмотрено в суде, лорд Мэнсфилд отменил рабство в Англии, сказав: «Воздух Англии слишком чист для любого раба».

6. Это не в моей компетенции, но я полагаю, что подзащитный бу- дет оправдан, так как он действовал по принуждению в ситуации неми- нуемой угрозы смерти.

7. На каком основании вы подвергаете сомнению юридическую силу моих утверждений?

8. Обратная сторона медали показывает, что существуют люди, уме- ющие обходить закон. Необходимо положить этому конец раз и навсегда.


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