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II. Skimming. 1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the statements gives the main idea of the part:


1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the statements gives the main idea of the part:

a. The main purpose of the United Kingdom is to have a written


b. The present constitutional theory is that power must be divided into some parts to ensure that it never becomes concentrated in one’s hands.

c. Customs and conventions have become the accepted rules of law.

2. Look through the second part and mark the statement which represents the main idea of the part:

a. The executive is the power which can take the initiative for change.

b. The British Law may be complicated but it is so convincing and well established by convention, practice and traditions that it has become an accepted fact, which must be guarded and protected.

c. The Queen is the part of the legislature; she signs her assent to laws.

3. Look through the third part and mark the statement which represents the main idea of it.

a. The Queen is very important, but she is not very powerful.

b. The Queen’s position in the Constitution is largely ceremonial, its great importance is that she is uniquely placed to bind together the most powerful bodies in the Country under a vow of loyalty to her.

c. The position of the Crown helps to divide up the powers and keep them separate.


Vocabulary Work




I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. exercise power; 2. govern; 3. set out; 4. custom and convention;

5. separation of powers; 6. be contrary to smth; 7. swear an oath;

8. borough council; 9. National General Election; 10. tackle crime;

11. prevent an abuse of power; 12. coercive actions; 13. hardened practice;

14. resent smb for smth; 15.ignorance of the law.


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following words and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. возражать; 2. веха; 3. залог; 4. средство, способ; 5. вступить в силу;

6. восстановление в правах; 7. королевская санкция; 8. хранить верность, преданность; 9. злоупотребление в нарушении закона; 10. приостановить действие закона; 11. унизительное обращение; 12. правомочный, полу-

чивший правовой титул; 13. пересмотр дела; 14. законодательная власть;

15. брать под стражу, задерживать.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).



1. govern a. юридическая ошибка, незнание права

2. coercive action b. городской совет

3. swear an oath c. разделение полномочий

4. tackle crime d. осуществлять (исполнять) власть

5. be voted in without debates

е. приносить присягу

6. ignorance of the law f. предупредить злоупотребление властью

7. separation of powers g. управлять, руководить

8. exercise power h. бороться с преступностью

9. prevent an abuse of powers

i. действие принудительного характера

10. borough council j. быть принятым голосованием без обсуждения


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