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II. Skimming.


1. Look more closely through the first part of the chapter and decide what it is devoted to.

a. Human Rights.

b. the Human Rights Act origin.

c. Convention Rights.

2. Look through the second part of the chapter and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given passage.

a. The provisions of the Act affect us all.

b. Human rights law is not simple.

c. The Act is a result of human rights movement.

Vocabulary work




I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. incorporate into the law; 2. a minimum standard of protection;

3. breach the Convention rights; 4. become part of the law; 5. revolutionary document; 6. similar in nature; 7. make smth unlawful; 8. be respected by;

9. be not compatible with; 10. be interpreted liberally; 11. bring cases to the court; 12. confront difficulties; 13. status of an individual; 14. under threat of penalty; 15. lawfulness of one’s detention.


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. подавляющее большинство; 2. внимание общественности; 3. на- рушать права и свободы; 4. четко излагать в едином документе; 5. приме- ры недавних судебных решений; 6. взвешенное решение; 7. процедуры, предусмотренные законом; 8. общепризнано; 9. в отношении своего оп- понента; 10. огромная важность; 11. жить без вмешательства; 12. право вступать в брак; 13. закон собственной страны; 14. вступать в силу;

15. дискриминация по расовому признаку.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).




1. a transfer of power a. общественные функции

2. take years b. нарушение прав человека

3. essential part c. прямой конфликт

4. largely responsible for d. четко излагаться

5. be compatible with e. важная часть

6. human rights violations f. передача власти

7. direct conflict g. производить изменения

8. make a change h. растягиваться на годы

9. be set out with clarity i. сочетаться с

10. public functions j. в большой степени ответственный за

IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. Characterizing or relating to man and mankind.

2. An international agreement second only to a treaty in formality.

3. A clause or section in a written document such as a treaty, contract, statute etc.

4. The formally codified result of deliberation by a legislative body; a law, edict, decree, statute etc.

5. Anything that accords with the principles of legal or moral justice.


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. majority; 2. incompatibility; 3. complain; 4. inhuman; 5. presumed.


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