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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. The Convention was a revolutionary document, containing a number of articles


1. The Convention was a revolutionary document, containing a number of articles. 2. It also includes many private bodies which also have many public functions, for example private schools. 3. Although people have the right to

life, and not to be kept alive by artificial means, they do not have the right to die. 4. The object of this article is to provide a safeguard against arbitrary prosecution, conviction and punishment. 5. Claims of violations under this Act have often been unsuccessful, but not always so.


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


appalling breaches; a criminal offence; unanimously; unlawful; observe;

applications; arbitrary killing; deliberate; incite; discrimination.


1. The Human rights Act makes it for “public authorities” to act in a way that conflicts with Convention rights.

2. We do not live in some parts of the world in daily fear of the

of human rights that are routine in some countries.

3. Those who bring cases to the European Court make to the court for findings that they have suffered a violation of their rights.

4. It is intended to prevent by State authorities without due process of law.

5. Torture means inhuman treatment causing very serious and cruel suffering.

6. This means that people must be entitled to their religion openly.

7. The court decided that the right had been violated.

8. This Article does not give anyone the right to crime or encourage racial hatred or disorder.

9. The struggle against has been central to the whole human rights movement.

10. No one should be held guilty of if his action was not a criminal offence at the time when he did it.

IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions and advers from the box.


of(2), on(2), out, by(3), up, to(2), extremely, wherever, indeed, with, due, as, which, merely, for.


1. Every Act of Parliament has a preamble, or introductory paragraph, which sets its aims.

2. Only time will tell who is right but the Act has been welcomed

the overwhelming majority of judges, lawyers and commentators.

3. The first task of the Council of Europe was to draw a set of universal human rights.

5. This was because for many years we clung the belief that it was our own Parliament to protect our rights.

6. That could be expensive and take years but now Article 13 of the Convention provides that it is claimed that rights and freedoms have been violated, those who suffered are entitled an “effective remedy”.

7. citizens of the UK we like to think that comparison

those who lived some parts of the world we are fortunate.

8. He stressed the importance of not treating the Convention as a foreign importation, but of seeing it in the context of English common law, to many fundamental freedoms “are not strangers”.

9. This article is intended to prevent arbitrary killing

authorities without process of law.


10. It imposes duties anyone carrying an arrest that the person detained shall be informed the reasons his arrest.

11. No one shall be held guilty

any criminal offence

account of any act or omission which didn’t constitute a criminal offence at the time when it was committed.


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