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I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.


1. Opinions are very similar as to the value of the Human Rights Act.

2. Before the Act came into force, those, who believed that a public authority had breached their Convention rights had to apply to the Crown Court.

3. The Human Rights Act makes it unlawful for an individual to act in a way that conflicts with Convention rights.

4. Lord Justice sits both in the Court of Appeal and in the European Court.

5. Claims of violations under the Act have always been successful.


II. Answer these questions about the text.


1. Why do the opinions about the value of the Human Rights Act differ greatly?

2. Why were the human rights called “universal”?

3. When can the UK citizens take their cases to Strasburg?

4. What are “Protocols”?

5. What are the three fundamental characteristics of Convention rights?

6. What is a Declaration of Incompatibility? When was it made?

7. Who sits in the European Court in Strasbourg?

8. Why don’t the Convention rights provide us with an entirely new set of rights which never existed before?

9. What are the two principles of incorporation of Convention into British law?

10. Where are the main rights and freedoms of the Convention set out?

11. Why are those who bring cases to the European Court called


12. Article 2 doesn’t outlaw capital punishment. Why?

13. Why is Article 3 considered to be one of the most important and relevant of all the Articles?

14. Who are the people subjected to forced and compulsory labour?

15. How is the right to liberty and security of person exercised?

16. What does the right to a fair trial include?

17. What is the object of Article 7?

18. What is Article 8 designed for?

19. Why is Article 9 important?

20. What does Article 10 include?

21. How is the right to marry and to found a family interpreted?

22. What does Article 14 say? Why is it important?

23. What is a form of guarantee that human rights will always remain high on the agenda of all our courts?


III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.


IV. Discuss these issues.


1. The expression “public authorities” covers a wide range of public bodies.

2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labor.

3. Everyone has the right to a fair trail.

4. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.


V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class.


1. The Human Rights Act 1998.

2. The European Court in Strasbourg.

3. Convention Rights.




The Palace of Westminster.

Our Chief Law Makers – Parliament


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