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Лексико-грамматические тесты. Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропусков в предложениях.

Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропусков в предложениях.



1. “John is making a lot of noise! ”

“I’ll ask … to be quiet.”


a) him c) its

b) it d) they


2. “Do you like bananas? ”

“I love…! ”


a) hers c) its

b) she d) them


3. “Where is my book? Oh, dear! I’ve lost …! ”


a) him c) it

b) her d) its


4. “Is that Mary’s new boyfriend? ” “Don’t ask me, ask …! ”


a) her c) it

b) his d) us


5. “Have you met Tom and Lisa? ” “No, I have never met ….”


a) its c) them

b) they d) their


6. You shouldn’t base your argument only on one ….


a) hypothesis c) hypothes

b) hypothesises d) hypothesy



7. We can’t question people’s ….


a) beliefs c) believ

b) beliefes d) believes



8. Two … are following the escimo.


a) wolfs c) wolvs

b) wolves d) wolfes


9. Scientists are always studying the … of nature.


a) phenomenons c) phenomenones

b) phenomena d) phenomenas


10. That hunter killed six … last week.


a) deers c) deeres

b) deer d)door


11. You … come and see me when you’re in London.


a) must c) has to

b) had d) should to


12. … you speak any foreign languages?


a) May c) Have

b) Can d) Used to


13. You look tired. You … go to bed.


a) should c) should to

b) ought d) are to


14. But I … read it last year.


a) mayn’t c) can’t

b) couldn’t d) wasn’t


15. Can you fix my car today? Yes, I ….


a) may c) can

b) could d) can’t


16. The film was really boring. It was … I’ve ever seen.


a) most boring film c) the film more boring

b) the more boring film d) the most boring film


17. I feel … today than I did last week.


a) much better c) no good

b) more good d) more better


18. The more you study … you will become.


a) the more smart c) smarter

b) the more smarter d) the smarter


19. These shoes are … of all.


a) less expensive c) the less expensive

b) the least expensive d) least expensive


20. He drivers … than Bob.


a) more cautiously c) the most cautiousliest

b) cautiouslier d) more cautious


21. I don’t understand this sentence. What …?


a) does mean this word c) does this word means

b) does this word mean d) means this word


22. John … tennis once or twice a week.


a) is usually playing c) usually plays

b) is playing usually d) plays usually


23. Tom … his hand when he was cooking the dinner.


a) burnt c) was burnt

b) was burning d) has burn


24. While I … I lost my money.


a) was shopping c) shopped

b) is shopping d) am shopping


25. Halfway there I discovered I … something.


a) have forgotten c) forgot

b) had forgotten d) forget



26. The factory was … in 1953.


a) build c) built

b) building d) to build


27. Everybody …, by the terrible news yesterday.


a) shocked c) was shocked

b) was shock d) is shocked


28. Not much … about the accident since that time.


a) has said c) is said

b) has been said d) will be said


29. A new book … by that company next year.


a) will publish c) was published

b) will be published d) published


30. When the manager arrived, the problem ….


a) had already been solved c) will solve

b) will be solved d) had already solved


31. I don’t like … at.


a) being shouted c) to shouting

b) to be shout d) shout


32. If I have any more news, you will be the first ….


a) knowing c) know

b) to know d) who knowing


33. Hot weather makes me … tired.


a) to feel c) feel

b) feeling d) felt


34. If you stopped smoking, you … a lot better.


a) feel c) will feel

b) felt d) would feel


35. I’ll be very pleased if you … book from my site.

a) buy c) bought

b) would buy d) will buy.



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