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Exercise VI. Read the story. Pick out sentences with subordinate clauses at the beginning. Observe the intonation they are pronounced with.

If you're going to stay in London for some time, you can see many places of interest. If you can stay longer, so much the better. If you are fond of arts, visit the National Gallery. The National Picture Gallery is comparatively young. If you stand today in Trafalgar Square with your back to Nelson's column, you'll see the National Gallery. It has been in this building since 1838.

If you are interested in the history of English painting, you'll be curious to know the following interesting fact. In 1777 one of the greatest private collections of pictures was offered for sale. Some of the members of Parliament suggested this collection to be bought and placed in a special gallery near the British Museum. But this suggestion found no support in the House of Commons and the wonderful pictures were brought to Russia. If you want to see these pictures, you can find them in the Gallery of Hermitage.

When you're in St. Petersburg, you can admire a great number of pictures by great British painters: Hogarth, Constable, Turner, Gainsborough, Reynolds and so on.


Предложение, вводящее прямую речь, выделяется в отдельную синтагму и произносится либо восходящим, либо нисходящим тоном, либо на среднем уровне (Midlevel). Например:

Слова автора после прямой речи обычно неударны или полуударны и продолжают интонацию предшествующего ударного слога. Например:

Если слова автора после прямой речи представляют собой распространенное предложение, они произносятся тем же тоном, что и предшествующая интонационная группа в прямой речи. Например:

В косвенной речи это предложение обычно не образует самостоятельной смысловой группы. Например:

Exercise I. Read the following sentences. Observe the intonation of the author's words.

1. " We're not late I hope, " I asked. 2. " Pass the sugar, please, " she said in a voice just as sweet. 3. " I don't mind, " my mother said with a smile. 4. " Are you ready? " he asked in an impatient tone. 5. " Can you come? " he asked quietly. 6. " Please, take one, " she said invitingly. 7, " Is this for me? " he asked with surprise. 8. " Do you think it's true? " they kept on asking. 9. Ann says to Nina, " I can give you my book." 10. Peter asks me, " Are there several departments at your faculty? " 11. The girls ask me, " What is the assistant dean responsible for? " 12. The girl asks me if I've got any photos of our Institute. 13. Helen says she is fond of music. 14. Mary says, " We have a big garden in front of our house." 15. Mary says they have a big garden in front of their house.

Exercise II. Listen to the following sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes. Read them.

1. " Right, " he said slowly. 2. The teacher said, " Stand up." 3. He asked, " Is education in Russia free? " 4. She asked, " What do American journalists write about the Russian educational system? " 5. " We decided not to give the usual marks,» says Shalva Amonashvili. 6. " They are teaching the children well, " said Shalva in conclusion. 7. " My teachers have to be good, " said the director. 8. The guide says that there are thirty principal theatres in London. 9. The author says that peace movement in Europe is acquiring diverse forms. 10. The teacher asks who is absent from the lesson.

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