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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Визначте форму Gerund

A – Indefinite Active

B – Indefinite Passive

C – Perfect Active

D – Perfect Passive


36. Eating the food of Other culture is forbidden.

37. The visitors were pleased with having been invited to dinner but they didn’t know to use utensils or only their fingers.

38. Every members of any culture insists on being made up insists on being made up their laws of life.

39. The students were surprised at having known about huge differences between the cultures.

40. Thank you for having explained the specific customs of this region.

41. At the seminars the students – psychologists continue discussing the diversity among the different cultures.


Позначте: “A” – речення з Participle та “B” з “Gerund”

42. People speaking different languages, believing different gods belong to different cultures.

43. Having unknown meal in foreign countries can be dangerous for everybody’s health.

44. Knowing the customs and traditions of any country will help you to families with it better.

45. It was Gerardus Mercador written the following description of European basic personalities.

46. The students began studying the teaching of Gerardus Mercador who gave in the 16 th century the following description European basic personalities.

47. Modern scholarly versions giving more sophisticated psychological concepts are popular with the psychologists now.


Позначте які с відповідними до тексту “Similarity”.

48. Despite the great diversity people in the world have much in common.

49.Although they speak the same language, they didn’t use it quite similarly.

50. They have the same religious and moral codes.

51. Almost every one speaks the same language and has the same values.

52. In USA practically nobody likes hamburgers, in Japan none likes sushi.

53. Any outsider entering a different culture is immediately struck by a fact that everyone seems to be behaving similarly.

54. The exact form of people’s behavior may not differ.

Визначте функції герундія у наступних реченнях:

A – Subject

B – Direct Object

C – Prepositional Object

D – Attribute

E – Adverbial Modifier

55. Eating pork is some cultures is forbidden.

56. The students went on discussing some description of European basic personalities.

57. On arriving to foreign country everybody must follow the local customs and traditions.


Знайдіть речення які є відповідними до змісту тексту «Signal Systems»

58. Only humans perceive the surrounding world with the help of two signal systems.

59. Both human beings and animals perceive the surrounding world with the help of two signal systems.

60. These stimuli form the first signal system of reality which is common for the man and animals.

61. These stimuli form the first signal system only for men.

62. These stimuli form the first signal system only for animals.

63. There were founded that gibbons have nine major types of calls.

64. There were also the attempts of investigation of possibilities language in dolphins and with conclusive results.

65. But only speech made us human.

66. Words written and spoken don’t serve as stimuli and people can’t response them.

67. Reality is signalized exclusively by stimulations and by the traces they leave in cerebral semi spheres.

68. These stimuli form the first signal system which is common for men and animals.


У кожному реченні знайдіть відповідні форми Infinitive

A – Indefinite Active

B – Indefinite Passive

C – Continuous Active

D – Perfect Active

E – Perfect Passive

69. Both humans and animals have the ability to perceive the surrounding world with the help of two signal systems.

70. Some psychologists tried to have researched the possibility of language in animals.

71. According to Pavlov’s definition they can be divided into two groups: the first signal system and the second one.

72. There were also the attempts to investigate the possibilities of language.

73. The possibility of language in animals must have been researched by some psychologists.

74. Some psychologists want to be researching the possibility of language in animals.

75. Reality is signalized exclusively by stimulations and the traces they were to have left in cerebral semi spheres.

76. It gives us the opportunity to comprehend abstractions, to form generalization, to communicate on a sophisticated level.

77. Even when the call can have been repeated at different volumes and durations the gibbon system possesses a small amount of productivity.


Визначте функції інфінітиву у реченнях:

A – Subject

B – Object

C – Attribute

D – Adverbial Modifier

E – Part of the Compound Verbal Predicate


78. It wasn’t easy to try investigating the possibilities of language in animals.

79. Some psychologists have made the attempts to investigate the possibility of language in animals.

80. They tried to research the possibility of speech in dolphins but with inconclusive results.

81. To investigate this phenomena the scientists had to use modern versions of the psychological science.

82. It gives us the opportunity to comprehend abstraction, to form generalization and to communicate to the sophisticated level.

Позначте речення, які є відповідними до тексту «Personality types».

83. Modern scholarly of personality types study sophisticated psychological concepts.

84. Dynamic type is not the goal of all psychological learning.

85. In certain complex state-level population consisting of millions of people contain an enormous variety of personal types.

86. People are identical at birth.

87. Some people are easily excitable and other are withdrawn.


Визначте тип комплексу з інфінітивом.

A – Complex object

B – Complex subject

C – with “for phrase”

D – It + adj. + to do smth.

88. Many psychologists find it necessary for them to study sophisticated psychological concepts.

89. We know modern scholarly version of personality types to study sophisticated psychological concepts.

90. People are known not to be identical at birth.

91. I find it interesting to take another example of social personality types – so called “white collars”

Позначте речення, які є відповідними до тексту “How to Win Friends”.

92. You may meet him tomorrow coming down the street.

93. Money speaks louder than words.

94. Act as if you are already happy.

95. You smile is a messenger of your good will.

96. I am not talking about a real smile, that will not bring a good price in the market place.


Визначте тип умовного речення, використовуючи:

А – 1 тип

В – 2 тип

С – 3 тип

97. If you had a heartwarming smile, it would become a messenger of your good will.

98. If the actions speak louder than words, the smile will say: “I’ like you”.

99. If a clerk who hadn’t finished grade school had had a pleasant smile, he would have had huge advantage over a doctor of philosophy with a somber face.

100. If we spoke about a heart-warming smile, it would bring a good price at the market.

Правильні відповіді до тестів.


1. -

2. +

3. -

4. -

5. +

6. -










16. -

17. +

18. +

19. +

20. -

21. +

22. +

23. -

24. +






30. -

31. +

32. +

33. -

34. -

35. +













48. +

49. -

50. +

51. +

52. -

53. +

54. -




58. +

59. -

60. +

61. -

62. -

63. +

64. +

65. +

66. -

67. +

68. +













D, e


83. +

84. -

85. +

86. -

87. +

88. -

89. +

90. +

91. +

92. +

93. -

94. +

95. +

96. -







Шумських І.А., каф. ”Іноземні мови”, “Англійська мова професійного спілкування” для напряму підготовки 6.030101 “Соціологія”, 2 курс, 3 семестр.

Lexical test:


Mark off true or false statements:

1. It is easy for a school-leaver to decide on his future career.

2. Sociology is an old profession in our country and it is not very interesting speciality.

3. Sociology is a way of understanding the world.

4. Sociologists are supposed to work with people, to render them real help in difficult situations.

5. A general approach of sociology based ob observation, generalization and interpretation.

6. Sociology uses the methods in order to study human social behavior.

7. Sociology does not differ from the other social sciences, which include psychology, social anthropology, economics and political science.

8. Social workers have not to relieve the burden of people’s shoulders.

9. The speciality of sociology is really needed.

♦ Choose the correct answer (A, B, C):

10. What kind of speciality did you choose?

  1. a speciality of psychologist
  2. a speciality of sociologist
  3. a speciality of economist

11. What are sociologists supposed to do?

to examine problems of literature

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