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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

B 11. B41. E 66. A

12.c 42.j 67.b

13.a 43.g 68.c

14.c 44.i 69.b

15.b 45.l 70.b

16.c E 46.b 71.a

17.a 47.b 72.b

18.c 48.b 73.b

19.c 49.a 74.a

20.a 50.a 75.a

C 21.g 51.c 76.a

22.c 52.a 77.d

23.e 53.b 78.b

24.a 54.b 79.a

25.d 55.a 80.b

26.i 81.a

27.b 82.b

28.f 83.b

29.g 84.b

30.h 85.a











Артьоменко О.І., каф. “Іноземні мови”, “Англійська мова професійного спілкування” для напрямку підготовки 6.030402 “Правознавство 2 курс, 4 семестр.

A Lexical test

Mark off true(+) or false statements (-)

1. Barristers are paid directly by clients.

2. Solicitors can present cases in Lower courts.

3. the number of Ukrainian solicitors is growing.

4. The Justice Department of the USA is responsible for the effective work of the police.

5. USA attorneys are very influential people.

6. The legal profession is extremely popular all over the world.

7. A future lawyer must pass various professional exams.

8. The final exam of barristers is called the Bar Final examinations.

9. England is almost unique in having two kinds of lawyers.

10. A public prosecutor constructs hypotheses and interprets facts.


B Choose the correct answer (A, B, C)

11. Who judges cases in the lower courts?

a) solicitors b)barristers c)judges

12. Who prepares cases for the other lawyers to present in the higher courts, and, may present his client in a Magistrates’ court?

a) prosecutor b) solicitor c) advocacy

13. Whom is each federal judicial district’s lawyer is appointed by?

a) by the President b) by the Court c) by the Police

14. Who defence or prosecutes their clients in the English higher courts?

a) barristers b) High Court Judges c) attorney

15. Who decides whether the defendant is guilty or innocent?

a) the judge b) the jury c) attorneys


C Fill in the blank with the correct words:

16. A future lawyer must pass various professional…..

a) exams b) tests c) quire

17. It took….ten minutes to find the 58-year-old civil servant not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter.

a) the lawyer b) the jury c) the barrister

18. … said that his client would be extremely unlikely to offend again

a) the judge b) the barristers c) the investigator

19. If he were a skilful …., he could gain more sufficient details.

a) barrister b) detective c) judge

20. Dealing with … matters a solicitor should be very careful.

a) matrimonial b) criminal c) petty

21. The main task of any … is to root out the cases and eliminate the conditions creating crime.

a) professor b) specialist c) lawyer

22. While writing legal letters for the client the barrister had … a lot of documents.

a) examined b) studied c)learned

23. The person was … as the perpetrator of the criminal act, his method of operation being discovered.

a) identified b) mentioned c) told

24. If you desire representation in any court you should have ….

a) an investigator b) a barrister c) a witness

25. A solicitor in England must speak 2 years as an articled ….

a) judge b) officer c)clerk

D Fill in the gaps with correct words:

26. Next week Mr. Richardson …. Our case.

a) appeals b) presents c) deals with

27. There wasn’t enough …. To prove his guilty.

a) arguments b) evidence c) desire

28. Solicitors can present cases in … courts.

a) magistates b) Royal c) lower

29. If a person has a legal problem, he will go and see…..

a) a judge b) a solicitor c) a jury

30. A solicitor deals with …. Crimes.

a) serious b) criminal c) petty

31. You should take legal …. before start divorce proceedings

a) advice b) promise c) report

32. … are experts in the interpretation of the Law.

a) barrister b) investigators c) judges

33. The main job of a … is to advise you on legal matters of all kinds

a) investigator b) public prosecutor c)solicitor

34. Our judge is fond of … his clients on difficult points.

a) discussing b) advising c) demonstrating

35. When searching the crime scene the detective discovered valuable ….

a) clues b) data c) decisions

E Означте словосполучення, які відповідають змісту наступних речень:

36. In England a lawyer must…..

a) take lots of examinations

b) take one final examination

c) choose the examination according to his future law career

37. In England the decision of a law student is between becoming ….

a) a barristers or a solicitor

b) a barristers or a judge

c) a solicitor or a a prosecutor

38. The solicitor usually deals with….

a) petty crimes and matrimonial matters

b) arguing cases

c) presenting cases in any court

39. Barristers specialize in ….

a) arguing cases in front of judge and representation in Magistrates’ Courts

b) advocacy

c) employing solicitors

40. Us attorneys are….

a) the presidents assistants

b) appointed by President

c) elected by people or by the member of Senate

41. The British lawyers are required...

a) the pass professional exams

b) to work as a clerk for 5 years

c) wear black suit

42. The requirements for barristers and solicitors are ….

a) identical

b) partially identical

c) different

43. The average salary of an experienced lawyers is ….

a) a very low

b) ridiculous

c) much higher than those of other professionals

44. If you were to decide on your future law career, you could ….

a) pass the Bar Final exam

b) get a degree in law

c) to practice as a lawyer

45. The main fast of investigator is …

a) to search the crime scene

b) to prevent all possible witnesses

c) to advise in cases

F Grammar test:


Choose the correct answer:

1.We can't let that one failure stop us from... to establish the elements of the offence..

a) to try

b) trying

c) being tried

2. A barrister must think about... the Law Society Final Exam.

a) passing

b) being passed

c) having passed

3.The evidence…..by the investigator must establish the elements of the offence

a) gathered

b) have gathered

c) gathering.

4. Please, find out if the fingerprints... properly... before dispatch.

a) were checked

b) were being checked

c) have checked

5. A barrister proposes to visit England... the witness and get more sufficient details of the crime.

a) seeing

b) to see

c) to have seen

6.Even if the thief works with….hands he may leave prints



c) having been protected

7. A lawyer of the company is responsible for... that goods pass through the customs into the country of destination.

a) having seen

b) to sec

c) seeing

8.Using all the facts….the investigator analyses the situation and tries the reconstruct the happening

a) examing

b) been examined

c) examined

9. I joined a training scheme... by the Law Society.

a) running

b) run

c) having run

10.The witness had come with the intention of saying important….

a) evidence

b) arguments

c) reports

11. Would you like... the jury with all the necessary information in time f?

a) providing

b) to have provided

c) to provide

12.If he…a skilful detective, he could gain make sufficient details

a) is

b) were

c) has been

13. Sally suggested... the solicitor round the factory.

a) showing

b) to show

c) having shown

14.If only the barrister had provided the jury with all the necessary information in time, the witness of the crime….have given the additional information

a) would

b) had been

c) could

15.If a badly wounded man…found at the scene, a medical expert could have given him the first aid

a) has

b) had been

c) could

16.If all measures…taken to safe the crime scene, the investigator could gather evidence at once

a) are

b) have been

c) were taken

17. The lawyer didn't insist on... in cash.

a) being paid

b) to pay

c) paying

18.Mr. Grant hates... how to run his own business.

a) being told

b) to be told

c) to tell

19. The minutes of the previous meeting... now.

a) are reading

b) are being read

c) have been read

20 The President decided... this attorney as the US attorney.

a) appointing

b) to have appointed

c) to appoint



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