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III Read the sentences and choose one of the variants.


Form 11

Final total: 50 marks

Time: 120 minutes

I Read the text and choose the right variant.

Seven-year-old Samantha Green (A1) a local hero after rescuing an eleven-year-old boy from an icy death. Local schoolchildren always look forward to the cold months of January and February when they can go skating on the frozen lake. It seems strange but the children (A2) to this dangerous place despite the warnings of the parents and teachers not to do that.

Though they are aware of the dangers there (A3) a great number of accidents involving youngsters lately. It was sunny last Sunday, but Martin Brown (A4) no notice of the weather change. Hardly (A5) six or seven steps in his new skates when he fell through the ice. Samantha and her friends (A6) home when they heard his cries. They rushed to the lake at once. Knowing it was likely for the ice to crack further, Samantha crawled towards him on her hands and knees. She got to Martin just in time and he (A7) to a safe place by means of a rope which the children (A8) from their scarves.

A1 1)considered 2)has considered 3)is considering 4)is considered
A2 1)are drawn 2)had been drawn 3)are drawing 4)have drawn
A3 1)are 2)were 3)had been 4)have been
A4 1)was taken 2)took 3)didn’t take 4)hadn’t taken
A5 1)he has made 2)he made 3)had he made 4)was he making
A6 1)had gone 2)were going 3)went 4)have been going
A7 1)dragged 2)had dragged 3)was dragged 4)has been dragged
A8 1)were making 2)have made 3)have been made 4)had made 8 marks


II Read the text and choose the right variant.

Having spent three days trapped on an ice floe (плавучая льдина), explorer Ben Miller was finally rescued last night. Waiting to become the first man to walk solo from Canada to (A9) North Pole, he set (A10) last April, alone and unaided. Having no way of transporting possessions, he took very little with him apart from camping equipment, a mobile phone, and a shovel (лопата). He made (A11) good progress at first but then experienced to rise. The ice gradually started to melt around him preventing him (A12) going forward or back. Feeling desperate, Ben searched around him. He didn’t have any advanced technical equipment, so he had to rely on (A13) common sense. He took out his shovel and dug a runway in the ice. He then took (A14) photo of the runway and sent it to a rescue team via his mobile phone. The pilot succeeded (A15) landing on the narrow strip of ice saving Ben (A16) almost certain death.

A9 1)a 2)an 3)the 4)–
A10 1)– 2)out 3)up 4)in
A11 1)a 2)an 3)the 4)–
A12 1)of 2)off 3)to 4)from
A13 1)a 2)an 3)the 4)–
A14 1)a 2)an 3)the 4)–
A15 1)at 2)with 3)in 4)–
A16 1)out of 2)of 3)from 4)against 8 marks


III Read the sentences and choose one of the variants.

A17. The hot curry made … for the iced water.

1) me reaching 2)me reach 3)I reach 4)me to reach


A18. Walking to Jane’s office, I stopped … the way several times.

1) to ask 2)ask 3)asking 4)asked


A19. Mary hired a babysitter … she could go out.

1) so as 2)in order 3)as long as 4)so that


A20. This time you need to think … about which course you want to do.

1)much more carefully 2)far careful 3)a lot more careful 4)far carefully


A21. The … speech made a great impression on the soldiers.

1)commander’s-in-chief 2)commander-in-chief’s 3)commander-in-chief 4)commander’s-in-chief’s 5 marks

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