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Specialty of Swedish market

In the previous chapter, it was presented a number of different ways of how to categorize a consumer. According to Curry (Curry et al., 2002), consumers could be systematized as five classes: " active, inactive, prospects, prospects and the rest of the world". Apart from that, Curry (Carry et al., 2002) onward sorted " active consumers" into four categories: " top, big, medium and small". While categorizing, IKEA owners could be able to visualize, think over and develop consumer behavior and utility of business itself.

Nevertheless, there are many countries with different markets and different situations on them. In that paper it will be studied, does IKEA have particular manner of consumers classifying depending on particular market and does IKEA has its own exceptional consumer loyalty strategy, which can take into account different consumers in different markets. According to this theoretics, the next questions will be formulated:

Question 8. Does IKEA have particular manner of consumers classifying depending on particular market?


Question 9. In case of active consumers, what does IKEA do in order to maintain current consumer loyalty?


Question 10. In case of another consumers, who are familiar with IKEA but purchase its products infrequently, what does IKEA do in order to maintain current consumer loyalty? No doubts, consumer loyalty strategy has a positive affect on business. In accordance with Sä llberg (2004), consumer loyalty strategy can help companies to economize expenses and some other costs. Additionally, Nykamp (2001) notes, that consumer loyalty strategy can support the organization when keeping consumers on its side. Besides that, it is worth to talk about the consumer loyalty strategies at least for the reason, that they could five more benefits, mentioned in Duffy article (2003), which are “referrals”, “complain rather than defect”, “channel migration”, “Unaided awareness” and “greater awareness of brand assets”. In that thesis it will be studied, are motives, which effect IKEA consumer loyalty strategy the same in various markets. According to that, the next questions will be formulated:


Question 11. Can IKEA decrease expenses by means of realizing consumer loyalty strategy? If yes, what exact expenses are decreasing?


Question 12. What kind of consumer is effected by realizing consumer loyalty strategy, the current or new one? As it was written before, the four bases of customer loyalty are known. “Communication” is about the possibility to ensure opportunely and reliable info, which is usually done in the " pre-selling, selling, consuming and post-consuming stages" (Anderson and Narus, 1990). “Conflict handling” can be explained (et al., 1987) as a supplier possibility to get away from probable conflicts by solving obvious conflicts. In that paper it will be studied, does IKEA have different technique or channel for keeping in touch with consumers and solving conflicts. According to that, the next questions will be formulated:


Question 13. What channel does IKEA use for keeping in touch with consumers and supplying info?


Question 14. How does IKEA operates with consumers feedback and displeasures and how does IKEA cope with conflict situations?


As it can be seen, all the theories given in the previous chapters allowed me to formulate these 14 questions. They are formulated in order to gather needed information via the future interview. The next necessary step is contrasting obtained empirical data with the theoretical one, studied before. The methodology and strategy of managing the research, information gathering will be presented further.


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