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Research method

Research method is about in what way data for the research is gathered and analyzed. For a start, there is a number of methods, which are usually used for making a research. In whatever way social science field is studying, two methods match mostly accurate: qualitative and quantitative (Yin, 1994). Nevertheless, it is supposed to keep in mind the fact that one approach differs from another totally. The qualitative approach makes an emphasis on verbal data. On the contrary, quantitative approach interacts with numerical information, gathered for the thesis (Yin, 1994).


A quantitative method is used ultimately for creating an experience, which can help to determine, characterize and interpret some fact or phenomena from the reality (Graziano & Raulin, 1997). Additionally, quantitative method is used in case of natural science studies or in case, when research framework is formalized or structured completely. Overall, general researches, primarily extensive analysis are used in that metod with an eye to find the needed solutions (Yin, 1994).


On the other side, a qualitative approach is generally used in the case, when the research aim demands the better comprehension of the phenomenon from an inward outlook. Examining and explaining are also expected to be applied (Graziano & Raulin, 1997). Besides that, in obedience to Yin (1994), a qualitative method is commonly used in so-called " case learning". It is done in order to gain a deeper comprehension of research problematic and research issues with the help of collected data. Moreover, in case of the qualitative method, the investigators’ peculiar point of view of explanation, interpreting and own reasonable response on problems are more substantial (Yin, 1994). As it can be seen, the qualitative method gives a preference to case learning and interview form of data gathering. In that way, the respondents are not provided with alternative range of options, as in quantitative method (Yin, 1994).


Based on the discussion above, it was decided, that a qualitative method matches to that thesis in the best way. Because the majority of questions in a questionnaire are " open questions", respondents will not be provided with any disjunctive options. In addition, data gathered via the interview cannot be presented as a numerical result. Apart from that, the objective of that paper is to gain a deeper comprehension of consumer loyalty strategy, but not in general. Consequently, qualitative method fits to the thesis in the best way.


Apart from the discussion about research method choosing, research method, chosen for the study is significant in further work. There are some strategics, which are applied in social science area, which are the following: experiments (testing a hypothesis or demonstrating a known fact in order to make a discovery), surveys (a general viewing, examining or describing of some fact or phenomena), archival analysis (detailed examining of the elements or structure of some fact or phenomena, making a basis for discussion and further decisions), histories (a study, based on past events), and case learning (the acquisition of knowledge or skills through the experience of a particular example). The specification of these five strategies is presented in the subsequent table.


The study subject in that paper is the consumer loyalty in different markets of the IKEA brand, so there is no demand to control over any behavioral occasions. Hence, an experiment strategy does not fit to that study. The contemporary consumer loyalty strategy and, analogically, contemporary problematic in consumer loyalty strategy are examined in this paper. Therefore, the history strategy does not fit to requirements of that study too. Aside from that, archival analysis and surveys strategy are applied in cases, when the research result could be prognosticated in more or less degree. Nevertheless, that thesis unlikely has something common with archival analysis and surveys strategy, so they will not be used.

Eventually, the only one strategy, which is decided to be furnished in that thesis, is case learning. In obedience to Yin (1994), case learning strategy could be applied in single or even in several complex cases. As shown in table 2, presented above, case learning is applied, if questions of type " how/ why" are required. In that paper, two single cases will be reviewed and contrasted with the theoretical in the first place. Further, two cases will be connected with each other in order to review and confront them.


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