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Information analysis

When it comes to issue of the information gathering, the analysis of the information plays a significant role in the research. The aim of information analysis is to single out mostly utility data from the big variety of gathered information (Yin, 1994). Miles & Huberman (1994) mention, that information analysis consists of three levels, which are the following: information minimizing (some kind of sorting out mostly important things), information demonstrating and outcome graphics/affirmation. Information minimizing is beneficial tool for sorting the big amount of information. Information demonstrating is displaying the sorted info, structuring and tightening it to a convenient size. The third level is to conclude with a summary. According to Miles & Huberman (1994), the researcher maintains his main findings on that level (1994). Pursuant to Yin, two fundamental strategies could be applied in information analysis, which are the following: conceptual issues and case specification. Researchers selecting one of these approaches, starting from the quantity of foregoing researches. Conceptual issues approach is used if questions are studying, which are mostly basing on contemporary theories, and matching own results with the existing ones. On the other side, case spesification approach is used if the foregoing work field is not so wide (Yin, 1994).


In that paper the conceptual issues approach will be used for the information analysis. All the gathered information and findings will be matched with the existing theoretical, because as it was commented before, the interview questions are basing on the existing researches and theoretical. In order to apply that approach, three steps, mentioned above, will be presented in the information analysis. First and foremost, all the gathered information from interviews will be minimized and sorted. That information, which is valueless in case of that research, will not be included and discussed in the fourth chapter. It is supposed it is better to understand in more simple and effective way, what exact data and findings which are gained from the interview. Secondly, all the helpful data is shown in the fourth chapter and all of these data are sorted in proportion to the line-up of the interview questions. Thirdly and lastly, after all the data is discussed, the interview outcomes will be matched with the existing theoretical. This matching could play the role of basis of conclusion and outcome affirmation. Explaining that in more detailed way, as a result from the matching empirical data and theoretical, we are able to find out, what are the positive cues of consumer loyalty strategy in the empirical case and if there is a diversity in theoretical field. Apart from that, as a result from the matching these two cases, we are able to pick the differences and similarities amongst these different markets.


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