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Holistic Therapies

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Esoteric, Spiritual Treatments, Energetic Workings, Holistic and Non-Holistic Therapies, Beauty Treatments, Informal Learning Groups, Circles, Classes and Readings are NOT intended to replace the advice and guidance of Medical Professionals. They should be used as a supplemental to help facilitate good health and well-being. ALWAYS SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE FOR AN ONGOING AILMENT.

Our Philosophy: - We are of the belief the human body from your mind to your immunity and down to your very thoughts can impact you in the most positive and negative ways. Our aim is to bring you the highest quality Treatments, Therapies, Learning Resources (That contain the very best advice, information etc. in the most empathic, professional, Up-to-date Products, Procedures and Research Material possible). Our goal is to get you into the best health possible, and keep you there, and we do this one Consultation, Therapy, Treatment, Reading, Care Plan, Informational Publication, at a time.

Our Mission: Our products and practices are unique in that we produce high quality-high impact services. Holistic Health Healer Leicester finds the researchers, writers, and knowledge necessary to bring you the very best practices, procedures, products and information that can change lives to all who stand to benefit. Our most proud asset is the ability to produce a Highly Regarded, Professional, Uniquely Personal Experience. We believe that you must do what truly matters - TAKE ACTION - Your Time Matters To Us. We respect your time. It is the one thing money can’t buy, and is the most precious of all commodities. We want to help you, so that you can get on with life the way you desire, and in the quickest most action pact manner possible. We want you to takeaway many self-care, self- awareness practices and concepts, from each appointment, therapy, treatment, Care Plan, and related educational publications, then dive into them. Speed of implementation is our core, and wasting time isn’t part of it, so, Attend Your Appointment, Enjoy your Uniquely Personal Session, Listen to your Highly Experienced and Professional Therapist, Follow their advice, guidance and suggestions to maximise the benefits of the service.

Holistic, Alternative and Complementary Therapies That We Offer Include; -

Aromatherapy - (Essential Oils Blended For Individual Client Use - With DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDELINES AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, - Specifically for A Physical Ailment, Condition, Spiritual Healing, Empower and Revitalise Personal Energy and/or Emotional Wellbeing) Anyone can benefit from aromatherapy massage. A whole body massage is often enough to ease muscle pain and stress; with the use of essential oils, you get a more potent treatment.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for healing purposes. It is also possible to use other aromatic compounds in combination with these oils. You can massage these oils into the skin or inhale them. Researchers continue to make further studies on how aromatherapy and essential oils can effectively heal ailments. This is what they know so far, that “scent receptors” found in the nose, send a message to the amygdala and the hippocampus in the brain; these two are the “storage houses” for your memories and emotions.

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