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Date: June 27, 2005


Problems Resolved:

1. Fix the MAC edit problem at Advance--> Filter web page.

2. Fix the MAC clone problem if there is no connected PC.

3. Fix the checksum problem at hidden web page.

4. Change the English UI to the Simple Chinese UI.

5. Fix the bug that keyin the wrong MAC address in filter and it still to do.

6. Fix the DHCP expired time always 10 days.

7. Fix Log server IP can not delete.

8. Fix the bug that it will change static IP to Dynamic IP when disable th DHCP server.

9. Add the validate function in the wizard web page and the wireless web page.


Boot code:

10. Change the Memory frequence from 120kHz to 108kHz. With this boot code update, the 1.8V voltage tolerance can be enhanced from 1.75V ~ 1.96V to 1.62V ~ 2.0V. That will have the product more robust.


Wireless driver:

11. Add an option to check basic rates of STA according to WiFi test plan or not to check basic rates for compatibility.

12. Fix the DWL-G120 Rev. B3 (Intersil Cohiba solution) and DWL-G710 Rev. A1 incompatible issue.


DWL-2000AP is the Simple Chinese version of the DWL-G700AP.


Firmware: v2.00.r11

Hardware: B1

Date: Apr 8, 2005


Problems Resolved:

1. Fix the connect PC List problem at Advance--> Filter web page.

2. Fix the chariot testing faild when two client are connection with wireless.

3. Fix the function of Wep Key validate show the message index error.




Firmware: v2.00.r10

Hardware: B1

Date: Apr 4, 2005


Problems Resolved:

1. Change default login with “admin” and null password.

2. Make the tools-> admin menu to show numerous stars defaultly.

3. Add the burnning " Region Domain" and " MAC address" function for MP used.






Firmware: v2.00.r09

Hardware: B1

Date: Mar 24, 2005


Problems Resolved:

1. Change GoAhead to mini-httpd web server.

2. Remove " wpa-auto" and " wpa-psk auto" option on wireless web page.

3. Change the files name " *.asp" to " *.shtml". The hidden page has been also moved to " chklst.shtml".

4. Remove the image file of GoAhead logo on first web page.

5. Add the cameo version tag.

6. Fix occasionally crash during booting up the linux.






Firmware: v1.00.r08

Hardware: A0-5

Date: Mar 19, 2005


Problems Resolved:

1. Boot code: Close the eth driver before jump to linux kernel.

2. Add the Wep key checking.

3. Fix the bug that a config data init the wrong value.




Firmware: v1.00.r07

Hardware: A0.5

Date: Mar 17, 2005


Problems Resolved:

1. fixes the bug that when the config block crash, the flash reset to default initial the wrong value.

ex: LAN IP from "" to "".





Firmware: v1.00.r06

Hardware: A0-5

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