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Hunting a Job and Recruitment

The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitmentor hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit(a hire). The company or organization employs(hires) him/her. A company may recruit employees directly or use employment agencies.Nowadays some agencies use the practice of headhunting when outside specialists called headhunters persuade people for very important jobs to leave their organizations they work for. Many organizations and companies hire candidates who come recommended by current employees.

Nearly everyone, soon or later, finds himself searching for a job. Most candidates usually hunt a jobthemselves: advertisements about vacancies on the page " Employment" in a newspaper or on " Jobs" site in the Internet, parents' or friends' advice etc. If a person finds out appropriate information, he applies forthe job. At the beginning, he sends his typed or printed CV or resume with the information about his education, background and work experience. This paper usually accompanies a letter of applicationor a cover letterexplaining why he wants the job and why he is the right person for it. The cover letter serves as an introduction and guide to the resume, but after you've sent these papers you shouldn't just sit by the phone waiting for an answer. Don't forget that companies receive hundreds of e-mails, resumes, so an applicant should call a company. Receiving these papers, the personnel departmentof the company analyses them: the backgrounds of the applicant, his job experience and educational qualifications. The most interesting candidates for the job are invited to have a group or one-to-one interview.The atmosphere of an interview may vary from the informal to the formal and interviewers may take a friendly, neutral or even hostile approach. Different interviewers use different techniques and the only rule that applicants should be aware of may be " Expect the unexpected and be yourself.

Some companies and organizations ask the candidates to do written psychometric teststo assess their intelligence and personality. After this, the head of the personnel department can contact previous employersor teachers mentioned in candidate's application. If the referencesare OK, the person is asked to come for the detailed interview. Finally, the interviewer offersthe job to the candidate, and if he accepts it, the company hires him.


Ex. 2. Look at the list of jobs and the adjectives characterizing them. Discuss the jobs using these adjectives.

Example: a firefighter – This work is really dangerous and stressful. It isn’t suited for me.

Jobs: an assistant to a bank manager; an interpreter for a politician; the salesman of a CD shop; a nurse; a firefighter; an accountant; a barman; a policeman.

Adjectives: - boring / routine / unstimulating

- nice / fun

- dangerous / frightening

- well paid

- popular / modern

- relaxing

- exciting / stressful

- suited for me / satisfying

- promising but challenging.


Ex. 3. Match the opposites.

1. hardworking a) dishonest, double-faced

2. sociable, easy-going b) apprehensive

3. attentive c) indecisive, hesitant

4. honest, truthful d) irresponsible

5. reliable, devoted e) unsociable, bossy, reserved

6. quick, witty f) unreliable

7. brave, courageous g) badly-organized, disorganized

8. responsible h) lazy

9. well-organized i) inattentive

10. careful, prudent j) careless, imprudent

11. decisive k) slow-witted.


Ex. 4. Name the opposites to the following adjectives.

active, energetic - ________; creative, imaginative - _________; friendly - ________; balanced, quiet - ____________; helpful - ___________; patient - ___________.


Ex. 5. Look at the list of professions below. Use the adjectives to describe specific features for each of them. Give reasons.

Example: A salesman should be a hard-working, well-organized person who is also honest. A job like this needs a person who gets on well with people at work, who is friendly, patient and attentive.

A lawyer, a nurse, an architect, a receptionist, a journalist, an accountant, a cashier, a security guard, a mechanic.


Рекомендуемая литература:


1.Алексеева Т.К., Дарская В.Г., Журавленко К.В., Пикалова Л.А. Деловой английский.English for Business. Часть 1-2: Учебник английского языка. М.: Вече, 2002. – 640 с.

2.Андрюшкин А.П. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учебное пособие. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К», 2008. – 332 с.

3.Бондар Т.І., Кириченко З.Ф., Колесник Д.М., Дєгтярьова Л.П., Шпак В.К. Англійська мова для аспірантів та наукових співробітників. Навчальний посібник. – Київ: Центр навчальної літератури, 2005. – 352 с.

4.Памухина Л.Г., Глуховская А.Г., Сочилина З.И. Деловой английский. English for Business. Часть 3: Учебник английского языка. М.: Вече, 2002. – 336 с.

5.Серена Мердок-Стерн. Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничетво и профессиональные контакты: учеб. пособие/ Серена Мердок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И.И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 126 с.

6.Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие/ Сост. Е.В. Пинская. - 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. – 182 с.

7.Mallor J.P. Business Law. Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 14 edition, 2009.-1600 p.



1.Аммазова Л.А. Как научиться говорить по-английски: Учеб. пособие. – 2-е изд. испр. – М.: Высшая школа, 1980. – 224 с.

2.Хорнби А.С. Оксфордский интенсивный английский для взрослых. В 3 кн. – М.: АО «Буклет», 1991ю – 248 с.

3.American English for everyday and Academic Use. Санкт-Петербургская кафедра иностранных языков Российской академии наук. Санкт-Петербург. Академический проект, 1996.

4.Schaffer R., Agusti F. International Business Law and Its Environment. - Hardcover, 8th Edition, 2011. – 768 p.

Практическое занятие №3

Тема: “Hunting a Job and Recruitment”


1. Повторение материала. Закрепление ЛЕ по теме.

2. Чтение текста “Аdvertisement for a job”.

3. Выполнение лексических упражнений.

4. Составление заявления о принятии на работу.

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