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Задания для самостоятельной работы студентов. 1. Подготовить перевод текста профессиональной направленности с английского на русский язык, объемом 2000 печ

1. Подготовить перевод текста профессиональной направленности с английского на русский язык, объемом 2000 печ. знаков. Материалы предоставить в печатной форме, формат А-4. Составить словарь терминов.

2. Составить деловое письмо на английском языке, выразив в нем несколько указанных коммуникативных намерений по отношению к конкретному адресату.

3. Составить резюме.

4. Подготовиться к собеседованию на тему: «Business interview». Подготовиться к выступлению одной из следующих ситуаций:

· You are seeking a job for the first time. Is it necessary to prepare for an interview? Why do you think so? How will you do it?

· Is it easy for you to present yourself fully in a short interview with an unknown person? If it is difficult, explain how you will overcome it. What or who will help you in this situation?

· How do you imagine your further interview? What are the main rules of your behavior?

· How should you behave at the interview to achieve your goal? Act: a) as an interviewer b) as an applicant.

5. Написать на английском языке аннотацию к своей магистерской работе (обязательно указать тему). Текст аннотации предоставить в формате Microsoft Word (* doc, * rtf).

Вопросы к зачёту по дисциплине:

1. Собеседование по одой из предложенных тем:

1. You are meeting foreigners for the first time.

2. Today you have an interview at a famous computer company. Act as a receptionist. Start the interview with a representative of the company.

3. You are booking a call to Moscow.

4. You are inviting your foreign partner to a restaurant.

5. Today you have an interview at a famous computer company. Act as an interpreter. Start the interview with a representative of the company.

6. You are calling to a company and looking for a person.

7. Today you have an interview at a famous computer company. Act as an manager. Start the interview with a representative of the company.

8. Tell your colleague about the main principles of being the participant of the scientific conference.

9. You are calling to a company to find the address of a person.

10. You have got a wrong number. Make your excuses.

11. Today you have an interview at a famous computer company. Act as lawyer. Start the interview with a representative of the company.

12. You are telling your friend about your native city.

13. Tell your employer about your professional background.

14. Today you have an interview at a famous computer company. Act as an engineer. Start the interview with a representative of the company.

15. Tell your friend what an excellent resume is.

16. Today you have an interview at a famous computer company. Act as an accountant. Start the interview with a representative of the company.

17. You are a Public Relations Specialist at a big firm. Today you have a conference with journalists of the most important newspapers in the country. Your task is to represent your firm, its goals, and its staff.


2.Выполнение контрольной работы.

3. Чтение и перевод отрывка текста.


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