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Завдання до теми

1. Розпізнавання рекомендованої лексики та висловів у мові. Завдання – знайти англійські слова і вислови та записати їх українські еквіваленти, вивчити рекомендовану лексику.

2. Засвоєння лексики у мові.

3. Переклад інтерв’ю, спираючись на стенограму його запису.

Стенограма інтерв'ю:

KING: We're going to hopscotch to a lot of areas, and not necessarily in continuous order.

Four men were arrested in Dallas today by an FBI anti-terrorist team. The arrests of the four brothers allegedly tied to an alleged terror financing scheme by the group Hamas. Know anything about it?

RUMSFELD: Well, I've seen reports on it, and it happens almost every day. Somewhere across this globe a group of people, a cell, is being arrested and being interrogated and we're connecting the dots.

You've read about this new commission that's just been appointed to figure out what happened on September 11.

They're trying to connect the dots after it's over. We're trying to connect the dots before, and see if we can't find a road map as to what people are doing and how they're doing it, so that we can in fact help prevent these kinds of terrible terrorist acts.

KING: They've got the edge, because they know what they're going to do today. And you don't.

RUMSFELD: Exactly. And they can attack at any time in any place using any technique, and it's impossible to defend it every time in every place.

KING: Why did you go to Qatar?

RUMSFELD: We have a lot of troops there, and I had a wonderful opportunity to meet with, you know, hundreds of young men and women who have voluntarily said that they're going to serve their country. And that's an exciting thing to do that. And I was pleased to do that. The country of Qatar, I met with the foreign minister and we signed a letter of understanding, a letter of agreement, as to our relationship. And had a wonderful visit with the troops.

KING: How important is Qatar?

RUMSFELD: Well, you know, they're all links in a chain, and it's important. All of these countries, these 90 nations across the world that are cooperating with us, are important. Each one is important, because each one brings a scrap of information.

Some person last year found in a house in Afghanistan found a piece of information that stopped three terrorist acts from happening in Singapore, 10, 12, 15 days later. This is truly a global problem, so each country is important.

KING: How many stops don't we learn about?

RUMSFELD: Oh, my goodness, there are any number of things. Think of the number of people that aren't being recruited, because of the pressure that's being put on. Think of the number of dollars that aren't being fed into the network. Think of the number of bank accounts that were frozen. Think of the number of pieces of scraps of information from people who were arrested and interrogated. We get information every day from the detainees that we've arrested.

KING: Have we learned a lot ~ yes, speaking of that, have we learned a lot about radicals, why someone puts a bomb on his chest and blows himself up? Why would they do that? Do we learn from talking to others that we capture?

RUMSFELD: Sure. We learn. What's going on in the world, there's a lot of money going into these so-called madrasas schools that are ~ and they aren't training people in mathematics or languages or sciences or whatever, humanity. They're training people to kill. They're training people to go out and kill innocent men, women and children. And we need to see that those schools are closed down, and we need to see that those schools are provided teaching the right things, so that people can live a constructive life in this world.

KING: Do you have any hope, any more optimism in the Middle East? We've had less lately of those bombings. They sporadically occur. They used to be more regular.

RUMSFELD: We do. Yes, I mean, there is no question that Saddam Hussein offers a $25, 000 reward to any family whose child is a suicide bomber. There's a wonderful contribution to the world.

KING: That's a fact.

RUMSFELD: That's a fact. Think about it. It's just terrible.

KING: If a son of a family goes out and kills himself, the family...

RUMSFELD: If the family son or daughter goes out and blows up a shopping mall or a pizza parlor, they get $25, 000 from Saddam Hussein.

Now, but what do we do about that? Well, we simply have to work the problem just like we work the problem as firefighters. We work the – problem is policemen, we have to go out and do everything we can to create a world where people aren't going to be doing that.

KING: How ready are we militarily for action? Hypothetic, given the go.

RUMSFELD: Sure, given the go, we go.

KING: Ready to go?

RUMSFELD: No, we're flowing forces now. We've – the only reason that Saddam Hussein's allowing inspectors back in Iraq is because of the pressure of a threat of military force being used against him. The congress's action was helpful. The action by the United Nations, and their recognition – I mean, heck, they went for years with refusing the inspectors to be in there. Now they're allowing them in.

KING: But how ready are we – if the man says go?

RUMSFELD: The reality is that in a perfect world, you'd say, well, there are things you'd still do. And we are still doing things, because it's important that the Iraqis understand that they need to respond to the UN resolution. Every day that goes by, obviously, our capability to move faster and somewhat better improves. But if the Iraqis did something untoward today, we're capable of beginning and doing what we need to do. If the president said do it.

KING: Morale is high?

RUMSFELD: Excellent, just excellent.

KING: Think we'll need a draft?

RUMSFELD: Absolutely not. Absolutely not, no. I mean, I was one of the sponsors of the volunteer army back in the 1960s when I was a congressman. And what we were doing in those days was using force, compulsion, conscription, to bring people into the military so we could pay them 50, 60 percent of the civilian manpower market wage, whatever was fair.

Рекомендована лексика (English)

1. hopscotch

2. hopscotch

3. in continuous order

4. anti-terrorist team

5. allegedly

6. terror financing scheme

7. somewhere across the globe

8. cell

9. connect the dots

10. appoint a commission

11. figure out

12. road map

13. help prevent

14. get the edge

15. technique

16. meet with

17. serve a country

18. that's an exciting thing to

19. foreign minister

20. letter of understanding

21. visit with the troops

22. link in a chain

23. scrap of information

24. recruit

25. put on pressure

26. detainee

27. speaking of that

28. train in maths

29. humanity

30. sciences

31. we need to see

32. live a constructive life

33. occur sporadically

34. shopping mall

35. pizza parlor

36. work the problem

37. given the go

38. heck

39. threat of military force

40. go for years with smth

Список рекомендованих виразів (English)

1. We're going to hopscotch to a lot of areas

2. not necessarily in continuous order

3. Somewhere across this globe

4. They're trying to connect the dots after it's over. We're trying to connect the dots before

5. They've got the edge

6. We have a lot of troops there

7. that's an exciting thing to do that

8. they're all links in a chain

9. there are any number of things

10. Think of the number of people that aren't being recruited, because of the pressure that's being put on.

11. have we learned a lot about radicals?

12. there's a lot of money going into these so-called madrasas schools

13. They're training people to kill

14. we need to see that those schools are closed down

15. They sporadically occur

16. They used to be more regular

17. Think we'll need a draft?

18. I was one of the sponsors of the volunteer army back in the 1960s

19. there is no question that Saddam Hussein offers a $25, 000 reward

20. we simply have to work the problem just like we work the problem as firefighters

21. How ready are we militarily for action?

22. Sure, given the go, we go.

23. we're flowing forces now

24. they went for years with refusing the inspectors to be in there.

25. there are things you'd still do.

26. But if the Iraqis did something untoward today, we're capable of beginning

27. Morale is high?

Питання для самоперевірки

1. Види усного перекладу.

2. У чому полягає різниця між послідовним і синхронним перекладом?

3. Які існують відмінності усного перекладу від письмового?

Література: [1, с. 27–75; 8, c. 256–270; 3, c. 99–111; 4, c. 23–43].

Тема 3. Основні стадії перекладу на слух: сприйняття, синтез і продукування тексту перекладу. Лінгвістичні і екстралінгвістичні чинники. Перегляд записів новин та інтерв’ю на каналі ВВС

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