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Завдання до теми

1. Розпізнавання рекомендованої лексики у мові. Завдання – знайти та записати українські еквіваленти, вивчити рекомендовану лексику.

2. Засвоєння лексики у мові.

Рекомендована лексика (English)

1. distinguished citizens

2. fellow citizens

3. by law and by custom

4. a time of great consequence

5. a whirlwind of change and hope and peril

6. the Department of Homeland Security

7. to pass tough reforms

8. stock market decline

9. tax relief

10. income tax

11. improve the bottom line for small businesses

12. to tax a company's profits

13. to boost investor confidence

14. lower taxes

15. greater investment

16. higher revenues to government

17. discretionary spending

18. the average family's income

19. federal spending

20. Social Security

21. Medicare

22. a frivolous lawsuit

23. to pass medical liability reform

24. through technology and innovation

25. hydrogen-powered automobiles

26. exhaust fumes

27. а pollution-free car

28. the addicted

29. Faith-based initiative

30. the Citizen Service Act

31. the USA Freedom Corps

Список рекомендованих виразів (English)

1. we are deeply aware of decisive days that lie ahead

2. to reform domestic programs vital to our country

3. a prosperity that is broadly shared

4. days of promise and days of reckoning

5. our resolve is firm

6. this country has many challenges

7. we will not pass along our problems to other Congresses

8. we will confront them with focus and clarity and courage

9. to lift the standards of our public schools

10. to bring our economy out of recession

11. the largest tax relief in a generation

12. to insist on integrity in American business

13. we are holding corporate criminals to account

14. some might call this a good record

15. to join me in the next bold steps to serve our fellow citizens

16. an economy that grows fast enough to employ every man and woman who seeks a job

17. economy is recovering

18. economy is not growing fast enough, or strongly enough

19. with unemployment rising

20. we need more employers to put up the sign that says, " Help Wanted."

21. not to tax money away

22. treat investors equally in our tax laws

23. the income tax reductions set for

24. a family of four would see their federal income taxes fall

25. it is not fair to again tax the shareholder on the same profits

26. seniors who receive dividend income

27. to end the unfair double taxation of dividends

28. to show some spending discipline in Washington, D.C.

29. that is a good benchmark for us

30. to work to keep Social Security sound and reliable

31. to invest in retirement accounts

32. high quality, affordable health care

33. a model of skill and innovation

34. discovery that is adding good years to our lives

35. a nationalized health care system that dictates coverage and rations care

36. a good insurance policy

37. seniors and low-income Americans

38. we must put doctors and nurses and patients back in charge of American medicine

39. the binding commitment of a caring society

40. keep their coverage just the way it is

41. address one of the prime causes of health care higher cost

42. to promote energy independence for our country

43. dramatically improve the environment

44. a comprehensive energy plan to promote energy efficiency and conservation

45. to produce more energy at home

46. legislation that mandates a 70-percent cut in air pollution

47. burn away millions of acres of treasured forest

48. for the good of both our environment and our economy

49. to take a crucial step and protect our environment in ways that generations before us could not have imagined

50. endless lawsuits or command-and-control regulations

51. to generate energy which can be used to power a car

52. overcome obstacles to taking these cars from laboratory to showroom

53. to make our country much less dependent on foreign sources of energy

54. provide shelter for battered women

55. bring companionship to lonely seniors

56. the needs of some of our most vulnerable citizens

57. children who have to go through a prison gate to be hugged by their mom or dad

58. disadvantaged junior high students

59. I urge you to be that one person

60. cause of hopelessness

61. addiction reduces all the richness of life to a single destructive desire

62. reduce demand for illegal drugs through anti-drug education programs

63. for those already addicted, the fight against drugs is a fight for their own lives

Питання для самоперевірки

1. Назвіть основні етапи перекладацького аналізу у процесі усного перекладу.

2. Чому тексти для усного перекладу є стилістично неоднорідними?

3. Які основні текстові жанри призначені для усного перекладу?

Література: [1, с. 98–108; 3, c. 155–194; 3, c. 57–74].


Тема 6. Переклад як паралельна мовленнєва реалізація думки засобами двох мов. Одиниці перекладу

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