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Прикметник. Прислівник

1. Подайте антоніми до поданих слів та словосполучень:

the brightest, the easiest, the nearest, the most active, the fattest, the widest, the oldest, the happiest, the most comfortable, the dirtiest, the strongest, the most, the widest. the best, the latest, the strongest, the oldest, the most difficult, the tallest, the most unexpressive, the best-known, the heaviest, the nearest, the most comfortable, the worst.

2. Поставте прикметники та прислівники в дужках у відповідну форму ступеня порівняння

1 This picture seems to be (beautiful) at the exhibition.

2 I am (busy) than my sister is. I have (little) spare time than she has.

3 The Browns are (rich) than we are. They have (much) money.

4 Mike is (bad) pupil in our class. I am a bit (good).

5 Who is (old) in your family? – Our grandpa is.

6 Which of you knows English (well)?

7 Which of these two stories do you like (little)?

8 Our granny gets up (early) of all.

9 A raincoat is (necessary) in autumn than in summer.

10 This article is long. Take a (short) one.

3. Зверніть увагу на переклад речення

There are a lot of people who think that the younger a child is the better it is to teach him or her. – Існує багато людей, які вважають, що чим молодша дитина, тим краще її вчити

А) Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

1 The earlier you come, the better it is.

2 The longer the nights, the shorter the days

3 The more we read, the more we know

B) Доповніть речення.

1) The later we start, …

2) The less one thinks about the danger, …

3) The more we study, …

4) The richer the man is, …

5) The more beautiful the girl is, …

6) The easier one gets the money, …


1. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns:

1.... am a first-year student of the Polytechnic Institute.

2. My family is not very large,... consists of 3 persons.

3. My mother is a doctor.... works in the hospital.

4. My father is an operator of the electronic computers.... works at the plant.

5. My friends study at the University.... are in their third year.

6. Have... any relatives?

7. My aunt has two sons.... are twins.

2. Underline personal pronouns in the objective case:

1. We see them at the club very often. 2. The man says he knows you and your family. 3. I seldom speak with him about my cousins. 4. Please, give me a note-book. 5. Our English is poor. Mr. Brown teaches us English. 6. Every day I help my mother to look after the house.

3. Put personal pronouns in brackets in the objective case:

1. My friend sends (I)... many letters.

2. His brother knows (he)... well.

3. I often see (they)... in the park.

4. Don't ask (he)... about his wife.

5. Do you know Itali­an? — No, I don't know (it)... at all.

6. 6. Sometimes we meet (she)... at the Browns.

7. Our mother greets (we)... every morning.

8. Your son studies together with (she)..., doesn't he?

9. We see (they)... at the club very often.

10. The man says he knows (you)... and your family.

11. I seldom speak with (he)... about my cousins.

12. Please, give (I)... a notebook.

13. Our English is poor. Mr. Brown teaches (we)... English.

14. Every day I help (she)... in her German.

4. Insert possessive pronouns:

1. We have... English classes twice a week.

2. She likes... new dress very much.

3. Paul keeps... books in the book-case.

4. I usually go to see... friends in the evening.

5. They often take... children to this park.

6. Do you help... parents?

7. The film is very interesting but I don't remember... title.

8. Mary is an accountant. She does...work well.

9. Mr. Wilson is in... office now.

10. Peter and Ann teach... children music.

5. Complete the following sentences translating the words in brackets into English:

1.(Скільки) old are you?

2. (Де) and (коли) were you born?

3. (Коли) do you get up in the morning?

4. (В якому) Institute do you study at?

5. (Яку) of these two foreign languages will you master?

6. (Хто за профе­сією) is your father?

7. (Чому) have you decided to be­come an engineer?

8. (Хто) are you?

9. (Чию) book do you see on the table?

10. (Кому) did he make a pro­posal?

6. Give short negative answers to the questions using words nothing, nowhere, nobody, neither:

1. Where do your grandparents work? 2. What are you doing now? 3. Which of these two occupations will you train? 4. Who told you to do this work?

7. Fill in the blanks with any, some, much, little, many, few, a little, a few:

1. Ihave... relatives. 2. My sister-in-law can speak French.... 3. My mother has... cousins. 4. He has... friends. 5. We'll rest... minutes and go back. 6. Have you... news? Yes, I have.... 7. There is... light in my room.


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