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From Double tо Complex

In a Double sentence the second of two co-ordinate clauses is the one that completes the sense, and is therefore the more important of the two. Hence it follows that in transforming a Double sentence to a Complex one, the second must be made the Main Containing clause, and the first the Subordinate or Contained clause.


Double Speak the truth, and you need have no fear.

Complex If you speak the truth, you need have no



Double Leave this room, or I will compel you to do


Complex Unless you leave this room, 1 will compel

you to do so.



Double He was a poor man, but he was always


Complex Although he was poor, he was always



Double He was very tired, and therefore he

fell sound asleep.

Complex He fell sound asleep, because he

was very tired.


Ex. 13. Convert from Double to Complex:

  1. Hand over the prisoner to me, and I will examine him.
  2. Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.
  3. Only hold your tongue, and you can hold anything else.
  4. He stands up to speak, and every one is at once silent.
  5. Is any man sick? Let the elders pray for him.
  6. I go to this place and that, and the same thought pursues me everywhere.
  7. He confessed his fault, or he would have been punished.
  8. Sign your name, or I shall not agree to this.
  9. You must be careful of your money, or you will soon lose it.

10. Conquer the desires, or they will conquer you.

11. He is sixty years old, and yet he still has good sight.

12. Murder has no tongue, but it will some day speak.

13. All men were against him; nevertheless he persevered.

14. He might be ever so rich; yet he was greedy for more.

15. Go wherever you like, only you must not stay here.

16. In the discharge of duty he was a strict, but just man.

17. I thoroughly dislike that man, and therefore I cannot admire him.

18. It is now late; so we had better go to bed.

19. My son’s health was bad last year, and hence he was not promoted at the end of the term.

20. Food is raised by agriculture, which is therefore the foundation of all wealth.

21. My son has never done such a thing before: he should therefore be pardoned.


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