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Структура занятия. The aim of the lesson is to teach you to use two types of attributive clauses so as to explain what or who you are speaking about or supply additional


The aim of the lesson is to teach you to use two types of attributive clauses so as to explain what or who you are speaking about or supply additional information about the object discussed. You'll also learn to differentiate between ideas and facts in order to lend a more objective tone to your narration.


1. Ознакомление с особенностями двух видов придаточных определительных предложений и их воспроизведение с соответствующим интонированием в зависимости от вида придаточного предложения.


An attributive clause either identifies the object in question (explaining which one you mean) or supplies additional information about it. The second type of clause is separated from the principal clause by commas and, in oral speech, by pauses. Look through the following sentences, explain their function and reproduce them from memory (Read, look up and say!) with the proper intonation.

People(,) who buy cheap things(,) make a great mistake. The iron(,) which was still hot(,) fell from the table and burnt her leg., etc.


2. Объединение простых предложений в сложное с придаточным определительным предложением и их соответствующее интонирование.

The bus was five minutes late. The bus took us to the station. = The bus that took us to the station was five minutes late.

Mr. Smith was angry. I had sold my car to Mr. Smith. = Mr. Smith, to whom I had sold my car, was angry... etc.


3. Составление высказываний по подстановочной таблице.

a) Make up sentences keeping in mind that this kind of attributive clause supplies additional information about the person in question, either explaining his behaviour or expressing surprise at the person's behaviour.


The young   who had been away for a   began speaking fluently.  
man,   long time,   burst out crying.  
The child,   whose self-confidence had returned,   didn't know the latest local news.  
The teacher,   had lots of things to tell us.  
The visitor,   who was very nervous,   was difficult to recognize.  
The old lady,   who had been ill for a month,   had fallen asleep by supper-time.  
The student,   who was sure he knew the lesson well,   looked pale and worn-out.  
My neighbour,   had left his book behind.  
whose only friend had left,   felt lonely.  
The girl,   whom I had always found boring,   couldn't utter a word.  
suddenly turned out to be a very  
who was very absent-minded,   pleasant companion.  


b) Give your ideas about some of the following types of people.


People who   can't take a joke are lonely have no one to take care of have no one to depend on have no sense of humour have suffered much   usually become selfish. have to be resourceful. are usually optimistic. can't be very good company. are usually generous and kind. have no sense of responsibility. usually keep pets. can(not) make very good teachers.  



4. Разграничение между мнениями и фактами.

An event is something that happens; its result can be observed. " He watched the children play" is an event, because it is a process of standing and looking at the children, and it can be observed. But " He liked to see the children play" is an emotion, not an event, its results cannot be immediately observed.

Reproduce the sentences below (Look upand say!) and classify each of them as an event or an emotion (idea).

Little Billy walked along the street looking for something to eat.

He was sorry he had eaten all the stale bread he had.

He watched a dog trying to make a man adopt him.

He was ready to take a lesson even from a dog.

He ran after a stout seaman with a kind face.

The seaman thought the boy had made a mistake.

The boy followed the seaman on board the ship.


5. Интеграция двух предложений в одно. Задание 5 аналогично заданию 2, но интеграция происходит на базе связного текста, а также с учетом объективности или субъективности информации.

Make one sentence out of each two, so that the principal clause presents an event, and the attributive clause - a thought or an emotion.

The skipper allowed the boy to stay on board.

The skipper was a kind man.

The boy was mad with happiness.

He went to sea with Samuel Brown.

But Sam Brown didn't think it such a great favour.

Sam Brown disappeared when they came to the next port.

The skipper left the boy on board when they went ashore.

The skipper did not know what to do with the boy.


6. Суммирование первой части рассказа " Sam'sBoy" (См. [19].)с опорой на два предыдущих задания, которые, в сущности, представляют собой основную долю резюме первой части рассказа.


7. Самостоятельное суммирование второй части рассказа с учетом роли придаточных определительных предложений в сжатом изложении сообщения.

Sum up the second part of the story in your own way. Try to compress the information giving ideas and emotions mainly not as separate sentences but as attributive clauses, as you did in assignment 5.


8. Характеристика персонажей: поиск и «аранжировка» фактов из текста, а также опора на ключевые слова.

Characterize any one of the personages selecting the necessary characteristic features (you may add some others) and proving your opinion by factual details. (" The episode in which... proves that N. is a...person.")

Billy Jones, Sam Brown, Captain Hunt, Mrs. Hunt: lonely, selfish, insistent, kind, good-humoured, stubborn, clever, indifferent, with a sense of humour, easy to please, suspicious.


9. Использование фактов из текста для подтверждения правомерности собственных эмоций: изложение наиболее забавных эпизодов и объяснение того, что делает их смешными и трогательными.


10. Объединение формируемых навыков и умений в монологическом высказывании, обучающем комментировать основные мысли рассказа.

Which statements among those given in the substitution table from assignment 3 «b» can be accepted as the main ideas of the story? Explain why. Are there any other ideas in the story that are not mentioned in the substitution table? If there are, complete the table.

Две цели данного занятия объединены коммуникативно (несмотря на их разноуровневость): обе призваны обеспечить точную формулировку основных характеристик объекта высказывания. При этом немаловажную роль играет обучение сжатому изложению мыслей в плане объединения простых предложений в сложноподчиненные. Основные интеллектуальные операции: выбор, структурирование, обобщение.


Итак, в любом двунаправленном, т.е. «полицелевом» занятии формируемые способности равноправны, ибо каждая из них является и целью, и средством достижения цели занятия. Успешность выполнения заключительных задач должна в равной мере зависеть от обеих целевых способностей. Так, в структуре последнего из вышеописанных занятий формируемый навык обеспечивает компактность изложения, позволяя объединять предложения, а формируемое умение способствует объективной передаче фабулы. При этом обе формируемые речевые способности задействуются одновременно не только в завершающих, чисто речевых заданиях, но и в тренировочных заданиях с коммуникативной направленностью.

Практика преподавания убеждает в том, что процесс формирования навыков и умений становится более экономным, поскольку выработка разных речевых способностей обслуживается единым комплексом коммуникативных ситуаций.


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