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Task6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition from the list below: between, of, to, throughout, by, from.

1. Public international lawconcerns the relationships … the entities or legal persons which are considered the subjects of international law.

2. Conventional international law derives … international agreements.

3. Individuals and non-state international organizations have become subject … international regulation.

4. Customary law and conventional law are primary sources … international law.

5. Some rules of international law are recognized … international community as peremptory, permitting no derogation.

6. International law is a body of laws, regulations, and accepted practices by which different nations … the world interact with each other as well as with their own citizens and citizens of other countries.

Task7. Translate the following sentences:

1. International law is the term commonly used for referring to laws that govern the conduct of independent nations in their relationships with one another.

2. Public international law includes the following specific legal field such as the treaty law, law of sea, international criminal law and the international humanitarian law.

3. Sources of international Law are the materials and processes out of which the rules and principles regulating the international community developed.

4. Norms of international law have their source in either 1) custom, or customary international law (consistent provincial practice accompanied by opinio juris), 2) globally accepted standards of behaviour (peremptory norms known as jus cogens or ius cogens), or 3) codifications contained in conventional agreements, generally termed treaties.

5. Article 13 of the United Nations Charter obligates the UN General Assembly to initiate studies and make recommendations which encourage the progressive development of international law and its codification.

6. Evidence of consensus or state practice can sometimes be derived from intergovernmental resolutions or academic and expert legal opinions (sometimes collectively termed soft law).


Task8. Make the following sentences complete by translating the phrases in brackets:

1. International law can be defined as (систему правил) that nations recognize as binding upon one another in their mutual relations.

2. Only the state of which an individual is a national can complain of a violation before (міжнародним трибуналом).

3. It is a violation of international law to treat an alien in a manner which does not satisfy the (міжнародний стандарт правосуддя).

4. Recently (звичаєве право) was codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

5. Private international law deals with controversies between (приватними особами), natural or juridical, arising out of situations having significant relationship to more than one nation.

6. Public international law includes the following specific legal field such as the treaty law, law of sea, (міжнародне кримінальне право) and the international humanitarian law.

Task9. Complete the following:

1. International law (це правова система, яка складається з принципів і норм, якими регулюються відносини між її суб’єктами, державами, міжнародними організаціями).

2. With the help of International law (держави встановлюють загальноприйняті стандарти поведінки, воно є засобом міжнародного співробітництва у різних галузях суспільного життя).

3. (У багатьох державах, у тому числі в Україні, ратифіковані міжнародні договори) are considered as a part of national legislature, (а у разі розбіжностей між положеннями національного закону і міжнародного договору діють норми останнього).

4. Private international law (регулює цивільно-правові відносини з іноземним елементом).

5. Public international law (регулює відносини між державами, між міжнародними організаціями, між держава і міжнародними організаціями).

6. Особливе місце у кодифікаційному процесі належить ООН, у рамках якої з 1947 року діє (International Law Commission of the UNO).


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