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Developing speaking skills

Task 17. Read the part of the press conference by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, then act out a similar dialogue with a partner about the history and activity of one international organisation.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen: Now I am happy to take your questions…………………………….
Q: Has there been any progress in getting additional strike aircraft you need in Libya? And can this mission succeed without greater U.S. participation? And what are your views of the letter issued by France, U.K. and the U.S.?..................................................................
Anders Fogh Rasmussen: First of all, as I indicated yesterday, overall our commanders do have the assets they need, but they also request a number of precision fighter aircrafts. We have got indications that nations will deliver what is needed, but this was not a force generation conference, or a pledging conference, so I’m hopeful that we will get the necessary assets in the very near future. On the United States’ participation I can inform you that the United States already participates in the operation and contributes with critical capabilities. While NATO, as such, is in the lead of this operation, but as you all know the United States is a very prominent Ally and in that capacity the United States also contributes to our operation. And finally, on the letter from President Obama, President Sarkozy and Prime Minister Cameron I think the letter reflects the unity of purpose and the determination of NATO Allies exactly the unity we expressed yesterday in our Libya statement……………………….
Q: Just a day ago Russian President said that the international partners and NATO have exceeded the mandate of the UN Resolution and that this is very dangerous for international politics. What do you think about that statement, and how was your discussion with Russia on Libya?.................................................................................
Anders Fogh Rasmussen: We had a very, very positive exchange of views today. Russia has clearly stated that NATO’s operation is legitimate. It takes place in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1973. I have to stress that in the conduct of that operation we do not go beyond the text or the spirit of UN Security Council Resolution 1973. On the contrary, we are implementing the Security Council Resolution in strict conformity with both the letter and the spirit of that Resolution……………………………………………………………
Q: Mr. Rasmussen, the main reason for a NATO operation in Libya is protecting civilians. So why doesn’t NATO stand up for civilians in Yemen and Syria and don’t you think that NATO operation creates the situation where semi-authoritarian and authoritarian regimes are motivated to obtain weapons of mass destruction as a guarantee from foreign intervention?.............................................................................
Anders Fogh Rasmussen: We have taken action in Libya because the UN Security Council took a historic decision to adopt a resolution that lives up to the responsibility to protect; the responsibility to protect civilians against brutal and systematic attacks from their own government, their own regime. And we operate in accordance with and within the framework of that UN Security Council Resolution. A UN Security Council Resolution applies to all countries and this Resolution also mentions regional organizations like NATO, so we feel a responsibility to participate in the implementation of that Security Council Resolution. So this is the reason why we took action in Libya. To live up to what the UN Security Council requested……………………………………………………………

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