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Ситуація 6. Ви роздруковуєте текст, раптом техніка не спрацювала, речення поміняли місця, а деякі слова загубились. Відновіть текст, знайшовши слова та склавши послідовну оповідь.

independence, back, portraits, bear, proclaimed, subdivided, face, formed, Federal Reserve system, successful, slaves, united, buildings

1. The American dollar is ………. into one hundred cents.

2. The dollars are issued by the ………. ……. ….., established by Congress in 1913.

3. George Washington became the first President after the ………….. war of 13 British colonies for ………..

4. After they won the war they …………. 13 states and ………..to make the United States of America.

5. Thus Independence was …………. on July 4, 1776.

6. Abraham Lincoln was a person who proclaimed freedom of …….. of the southern.

7. We can also see the ………. of Alexander Hamilton, Ulysses Grant, Andrew Jackson and Benjamin Franklin on the ……… of American dollars.

8. On the …….. of the banknotes various famous ……… are featured.

9. All the banknotes ……….. the words: In God We Trust.

5.1. Прочитайте текст 5, намагаючись зрозуміти його якомога точніше та повніше.



The four important precious metals are gold, silver, platinum and palladium. They are used for various purposes:

1) as a commodity to be bought and sold

2) for jewellery industry

3) for electronics, dentistry and other industries

4) for numismatic and semi numismatic coins

5) for medals

Besides gold is used as currency reserves of a country. Actual gold is used in the following forms: bullion bars, bullion coins and coins.

Precious metals should be acquired only from banks. There are some private dealers selling counterfeit precious metals. They are alloy bars and coins. And very often private dealers try to find innocent purchasers and cheat them.

The most popular bullion coins are:

· American Eagle (the USA)

· Britannia (the UK)

· New Sovereign (the UK)

· Maple Leaf (Canada)


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Ситуація 7. Доповніть наступні англійські речення про цінні метали.


1. The four important precious metals…………..

2. They are used for various purposes…………..

3. Besides gold is used…………………………..

4. Actual gold is used……………………………

5. The most popular bullion coins…………….…

6.1. Прочитайте текст 6, намагаючись зрозуміти його якомога точніше та повніше.




Fineness of gold is very often shown in carat. The best fineness of 999, 9 is equal to 24 carat. The fineness of 750 is equal to 18 carat and so on and so forth. Thus the fineness of gold items can be stated simply as 750 or as 18 carat.

The notion of carat can also be applied to precious stones. But in this case carat does not show fineness. It shows weight. It is a measure of weight. When applied to precious stones carat means the following:

1 carat = 0, 2 gram

5 carat = 1 gram

10 carat = 2 grams etc.

There are only four precious stones, they are as follows: diamond, ruby (red colour), emerald (green colour), sapphire (blue colour).

Diamond is a brilliant precious stone of pure carbon in crystallized form. It is the hardest substance known. Rough diamonds are widely used in industry.

Besides there are a lot of semiprecious stones, like amethyst, granate, and many others.


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