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Study the following phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions


1. take a bus (a taxi, a train, etc.) - ездить на автобусе (такси, поездом и т.д.) □ I 'm taking the next train to London,

take care of smb - заботиться о ком-то

□ Jane takes care of her old mother,

take smb for smb - принимать за кого-то

□ They often take me for my sister,

take lessons - брать уроки

□ She was taking lessons from a great pianist,

take medicine - принимать лекарства

□ He never takes medicine when he is ill.

take part in smth - принимать участие в чём-то

□ My brother took part in the final competition,

take a picture - фотографировать

□ He took a picture of a castle,

take (someone's) temperature - измерять (чью-то) температуру

□ The nurse took the patient's temperature.

2. give a lesson - давать урок/преподавать

□ She gives music lessons.

give up - бросать привычку, отказаться (от чего-либо)

□ The doctor told Harry to give up smoking.





Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1. Why did Joe and Delia come to New York? Where from? 2. Where did they meet? 3. Where did they live when they got married? 4. What were they doing in New York? 5. Why did their life become hard? 6. What did Delia decide to do? 7. Why didn't Joe like her idea to work? 8. What did Joe do in his turn (в свою очередь)? 9. Where did Joe get 20 dollars? 10. What happened to Delia a week later? 11. How did Delia explain why her hand was bandaged? 12. Did Joe believe her? 13. Why couldn't Delia tell the truth earlier? 14. How did Joe guess the truth?

Ex. 2. Translate into Russian the following sentences from the text.

1.His dream was to take lessons. 2. Joe and Delia met in a studio where a number of art and music students spoke about many things. 3. They had no more money to pay the teachers. 4. Their life became hard. 5. Joe did not seem to like this idea. 6. I could not get any pupils. 7. I got a place ironing shirts in one big laundry. 8. Today one of the girls burned my hand with an iron. 9.1 suspected nothing until tonight.




Ex. 3. Give the translation and three forms of the following verbs. Find in the text sentences with these verbs.

Be, leave, take, give, meet, speak, get, find, become, tell, sell, go, bring, begin, spill, see.


Ex. 4. Find in column В the translation for the words in column A.



1. seem a. подозревать
2. famous b. платить
3. sell c. покупать
4. hard d. отвечать
5. buy e. казаться
6. iron f. тяжёлый
7. suspect g. знаменитый
8. leave   h. спрашивать
9. pay i. продавать
  ask   j. уехать
  answer   k. утюг  





Ex. 5. Translate the words in brackets.


I. Who was the (художник) of this portrait? 2. He is going to (покрасить) the outside of the house. 3. Delia (мечтала) of being a great pianist. 4. I always (принимаю) him for his brother. 5. In the morning I usually (езжу на автобу­се) to the University. 6. The father's help (длилась) until she got married. 7. It's time to (платить) debts [dets] (долги). 8. He (бросил) singing when he became old. 9. Why is the girl crying? - The mother (перевязывает) the daughter's finger. 10. Yesterday Joe (пролил) some paint on the carpet.

II. When did you (ушибла) your arm? 12.1 can't wash up the dishes today. I (обожгла) my hand. 13. He could easily (угадать) the right answer.

Ex. 6. Find in the text and translate the following words and phrases. Use them in the sentences below.

Стать художником; обещающе (наречие); говорить о музыке; поженить­ся; несколько дней спустя; преподавать; попросить; нежно; смеяться; проливать; действительно/на самом деле; сказать правду; смотреть; подозревать.

1. Джо нежно посмотрел на свою жену. 2. Он хотел стать знаменитым художником. 3. Несколько дней спустя он продал свою первую картину.

4. Она мечтала преподавать музыку. 5. Осенью они собирались поже­ниться. 6. Она не подозревала, что Джо не берет уроки рисования. 7. По вечерам они говорили о музыке. 8. Его слова звучали (to sound) обещаю­ще. 9. Она смотрела на свою подругу и смеялась. 10. У него действи­тельно не было денег купить эту картину. 11. Дети часто проливают чай на скатерть (a tablecloth). 12. Я попросила подругу сказать мне правду.


Ex. 7. Match the words in column A with those in column В to form a phrase.


1. paint a. lessons
2. become b. shirts
3. study c. some milk
4. leave for d. pictures
5. give e. the truth
6. spill f. about art
7. iron g. London
8. tell h. under a famous painter
9. speak i. a pianist




Ex. 8. Translate the following words and idiomatic expressions. Use them in the translation below.

Take care of; give lessons; give up; hurt; tell the truth; happen (to); pay attention to

1. Врачи посоветовали ему бросить курить. 2. Мой друг даёт уроки по информатике. 3. Пора (It's time) сказать правду о своей работе. 4. Он не хочет заботиться о своем младшем (younger) брате. 5. Вчера он опять обидел меня. 6. Она уделяет много внимания гостям. 7. В субботу что-то случилось с моей машиной, и я не смог поехать за город.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the verb " take".

1. We are going to take a flat in London. 2. Do you take a bus or a train when you go home? 3. When I was in Paris I was taking a lot of pictures. 4. You never take my advice. 5. Did you take your medicine? 6. The city was taken by the enemy. 7. She took his arm and led him across the road. 8. Jane took the second place in the competition. 9. He never takes part in arguments. 10. If you take 5 from 7 you get 2. 11. He took all my money. 12. He took the news calmly. 13. Take the second road on the left. 14. She always takes lessons before examinations. 15. Do you take me for a child? 16.1 forgot to take your temperature in the morning. 17. I'm sorry, I was rude; I take back what I said. 18. It took a lot of time to paint the outside of the house.


Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences using:

happen to... - случайно оказаться; случиться так, что...

□ How did you happen to be there? - Как ты оказался там? П I happened to meet him at the theatre. - а) Я случайно встре­тил его в театре. b) Случилось так, что я встретил его в театре.

1. Они случайно оказались в одной (the same) студии. 2. Случилось так, что Джо и Дилия встретились в Нью-Йорке. 3. Джо и Дилия, оказывает­ся, познакомились в студии. 4. Она случайно оказалась там, когда мы приехали. 5. Он случайно оказался в парке. 6. Ты, случайно, не знаешь генеральскую дочку? 7. Он случайно оказался в прачечной, когда Дилия обожгла руку. 8. Случилось так, что меня не было дома (be out), когда ты звонил. 9. Когда я позвонил (call), он случайно оказался дома.


Lesson 3


by Stephen Leacock


We decided to have a special celebration of Mother's Day. We thought it a fine idea. It made us realize how much Mother had done for us for years, and all the efforts and sacrifices that she had made for our sake.

So we decided that we'd make it a great day, a holiday for all the family, and do everything we could to make our Mother happy. Father decided to take a holiday from his office, so as to help in celebrating the day, and my sister Ann and I stayed home from college classes, and Mary and my brother stayed home from High School.

It was our plan to make it a day just like Xmas1 or any big holiday, and so we decided to decorate the house with flowers. We asked Mother to do it, because she always does it.

The two girls thought it would be a nice thing to dress in our best for such a big occasion, and so they both got new hats. Father had bought silk ties for himself and us boys. We were going to get Mother a new hat too, but it turned out that she liked her old hat better than a new one.

After breakfast we decided that we would hire a motor car and take Mother for a beautiful drive away into the country. Mother is hardly ever able to have a treat like that, because she is busy in the house nearly all the time.


But on the very morning of the day we changed the plan a little bit. We all felt that it would be nicer to have a definite purpose. It turned out that Father had just got a new rod the day before, and he said that Mother could use it if she wanted to: in fact, he said it was practically for her, only Mother said she would rather watch him fish than fish herself.

So we got everything ready for the trip. Mother cut up some sandwiches and packed all up in a basket for us.

When the car came to the door, it turned out that we couldn't all get in. Father said that he could stay at home and work in the garden. There was a lot of dirty work that he could do. He said that he wanted us to be happy and have a big day. The girls said that Mother had only to say the word and they'd gladly stay at home and work.

In the end it was decided that Mother would stay at home and have a lovely restful day round the house. It turned out anyway that Mother didn't care for fishing and also it was just a little bit cold and fresh out-of-doors, though it was lovely and sunny, and Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came.

So we all drove away and Mother stood and watched us as long as she could see us.

We had the loveliest day. Father and the boys fished, the girls met quite a lot of people. We all had a splendid time.

It was quite late when we got back. The dinner was ready. It was grand. Mother had to get up and down during the meal fetching things back and forward, but at the end Father noticed it and said she simply mustn't do it.

When the dinner was over all of us wanted to help clear the things up and wash the dishes, only Mother said that she would really much rather do it.

It was quite late when it was all over, and when we all kissed Mother before going to bed, she said it had been the most wonderful day in her life and I think there were tears in her eyes.


1 Xmas - сокращенно от Christmas – Рождество




celebration (n) - празднование торжества

□ They had a wonderful celebration of Christmas, celebrate (v) -v праздновать, торжественно отмечать

□ How are you going to celebrate your birthday? realize (v) understand - (ясно) понимать, осознавать; представлять себе

□ Does he realize all the difficulties? effort (n)

1. усилие, напряжение

□ He spoke with effort.

□ > l will make every effort to help you.

2. попытка

□ Let's make an effort, sacrifice ['saeknfais] (n) - жертва

□ He gave his life as a sacrifice, sake (n):

for the sake of smb, for smb's sake - для/ради кого-л.

□ Do it for my sake/for the sake of your family.

occasion [a'keIƷ n] (n)

1. случай

□ I have met him on several occasions.

□ I met him on the occasion of my sister's marriage.

2. событие

□ We decided to celebrate the occasion, turn out (v) (здесь) - оказаться

□ He turned out an excellent teacher.

drive [draiv] (n) - прогулка, катание (в машине, экипаже); поездка

□ Let's go for a drive.

hardly (adv) - едва; едва ли; вряд ли; насилу; еле; с трудом

□ She is hardly twenty.

□ I could hardly understand him. treat (n) - удовольствие, наслаждение

□ The music was a real treat.

purpose (n) aim - цель, намерение; замысел

□ What was the purpose of his visit? rod (n) - удочка

fish (v) catch fish - ловить, удить рыбу

□ He likes to fish and to hunt.

care for (v) like - любить что-либо, интересоваться чем-либо

□ Не doesn't care for television, meal (n) - принятие пищи, еда

□ Usually we have three meals a day. fetch (v) - (сходить и) принести, привести

□ Fetch me a glass of water.

□ He went and fetched the doctor.

trip (n) - поездка, путешествие, экскурсия, рейс

□ It was their first trip abroad, make (v) (made)

1. делать, изготовлять, производить

□ Made in Spain.

□ This table is made of wood.

□ make a coat (dinner, tea)

2. составлять, делать, подготавливать

□ make a report (speech, list)

3. совершать, делать

□ make a mistake (an effort)

4. зарабатывать, наживать

□ make money

□ make a profit (получать прибыль)

□ make a living (зарабатывать на жизнь)

5. приобретать

make friends (enemies) make progress - делать успехи make up one's mind - решить(ся) make smb do smth - заставлять кого-л. сделать что-л.

Compare with:

do (v) (did; done)

1. делать, производить действие

□ What are you doing here?

□ What can I do for you?

2. осуществлять, выполнять; делать, проделывать П do some work (an exercise, a homework, business)

3. заниматься чём-л.

□ do painting (science)

□ do the shopping (cooking, washing)

4. убирать, приводить в порядок

□ to do a room (a bed; one's hair) do (smb) a favour - оказывать услугу, любезность (кому-л.) do one's best - очень постараться, сделать всё возможное




Ex. 1. Answer the questions.


1. What did the family decide to celebrate? 2. What kind of celebration of Mother's Day did they decide to have and why? 3. What did each member of the family do to make it a great day, a holiday for all the family? 4. What was their plan? 5. Why did they ask Mother to decorate the house? 6. What were they going to wear? 7. Why didn't they get a new hat for Mother? 8. What treat were they planning for Mother and why? 9. Why did they change the plan? 10. Who made all preparations for the trip? 11. Why did Mother stay at home? Do you think she really enjoyed it, why? 12. What kind of day did Father and the children spend? 13. What did they do when they got back? 14. Who had prepared the dinner? 15. Who cleared the things up after the dinner? 16. Why do you think there were tears in Mother's eyes when she said that it had been the most wonderful day in her life?

Ex. 2. Translate into Russian the following expressions and sentences from the text.


1. We decided to have a special celebration of Mother's Day. 2. It made us realize how much Mother had done for us for years, and all the efforts and sacrifices that she had made for our sake. 3. So we decided that we'd make it a great day, a holiday for all the family, and do everything we could to make our Mother happy. 4. The two girls thought it would be a nice thing to dress in our best for such a big occasion, and so they both got new hats. 5. it turned out that 6. After breakfast we decided that we would hire a motor car and take Mother for a beautiful drive away into the country. 7. to have a treat 8. We all felt that it would be nicer to have a definite purpose. 9. Mother said she would rather watch him fish than fish herself. 10. a lovely restful day 11. It turned out anyway that Mother didn't care for fishing and also it was just a little bit cold and fresh out-of-doors, though it was lovely and sunny, and Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came. 12. Mother had to get up and down during the meal fetching things back and forward, but at the end Father noticed it and said she simply mustn't do it.



Ex. 3. Give the translation and the three forms of the following verbs:

decide, think, make, realize, do, help, stay, get, buy, like, hire, change, feel, use, watch, pack, stand, fish, meet, fetch, notice, wash, kiss.


Ex. 4. Find in column В the translation for the words and phrases

in column A.


1. purpose a. приводить в порядок
2. notice (v) b. оказываться
3. hardly c. поездка
4. clear smth up d. приносить
5. treat e. цель
6. fish (v) f. простужаться
7. trip g. замечать
8. care for h. удовольствие
9. tear (n) i. едва
10. take cold j. любить, интересоваться
11. fetch k. слез
12. turnout l. ловить рыбу




Ex. 5. Find in the text and translate the following expressions. Use them in the sentences below.

Прекрасная идея; заставить кого-либо осознать; ради кого-либо/чего-либо; сделать кого-либо счастливым; ради такого большого события; шелковый галстук; нанимать машину; замечательная поездка за город; определенная цель; приятный день отдыха; на открытом воздухе; пре­красно проводить время; наводить порядок.


1.Где ты купил этот шелковый галстук? Он очень красивый. 2. Он поехал туда без определенной цели. 3. Холодно ли на улице (на открытом воз­духе)? 4. «Что вы делали в выходные?» «Мы совершили замечательную поездку за город.» 5. Мы долго наводили порядок после переезда на новую квартиру (move to a new flat). 6. Что заставило вас осознать вашу ошибку? 7. Все были одеты по-праздничному (dressed up) ради такого большого события. 8. Это была прекрасная идея провести приятный день отдыха на открытом воздухе. 9. Его решение сделало нас всех счастли­выми. 10. Вам придется нанять машину, чтобы добраться туда.


Ex. 6. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences with words and phrases from the text.


1. We thought it a good idea. 2. It helped us to understand how much Mother had done for us for years. 3. The two girls thought it would be a nice thing to wear our best clothes for such a big occasion. 4. We were going to get Mother a new hat, but it turned out that she preferred her old hat. 5. Mother is hardly ever able to enjoy a pleasure like that, because she is busy in the house almost all the time. 6. It turned out that Mother didn't like catching fish. 7. It was quite late when we came back. 8. When we finished our dinner all of us wanted to help clear the things up.


Ex. 7. Find in column В the words close in meaning to the adjectives

in column A.


1. restful a. pleasant
2. lovely b. frightened
3. definite c. unusual
4. sunny d. good
5. splendid e. calm, quiet
6. grand f. cool
7. special g. certain
8. afraid   h. wonderful
9. fresh i. great
  fine     j. clear





Lesson 4




by Somerset Maugham


They became engaged when he was home on leave.

He returned to Burma1 and she was to join him in six months. But one difficulty followed the other, so in the end it was seven years before she was able to start.

He made all the arrangements for the marriage which was to take place on the day of her arrival and went down to Rangoon2 to meet her. He paced the quay3. He hadn't seen Mabel for 7 years, she was a total stranger. He felt that he couldn't carry out his promise. He was awfully sorry, how could a man refuse a girl after she had travelled six thousand miles to marry him? An idea struck him. He would write her a letter and she would understand the rest. There was a boat at the quay on the point of starting to Singapore4, he wrote a hurried letter to Mabel and without any luggage boarded the ship. The letter Mabel received ran as follows:

Dearest Mabel, I am away on business and don't know when I'll be back. It would be much wiser if you returned to England. My plans are very uncertain. Your loving George.

But when he arrived to Singapore he found a cable waiting for him: Quite understand. Don't worry. Love. Mabel.

He had to think fast. He was able very quickly to find out that her name was on the passenger list of the ship that was now on its way to Singapore. There was not a moment to be lost. Fortunately there was a French boat sailing next day to Saigon5, he took it. At Saigon he would be safe and surely by now she would be able to take the hint.

When he was signing his name in the visitor's book in Saigon a telegram was handed to him: " Love. Mabel."

He sailed to Hong Kong6 immediately, but dared not stay there; he went to Manila7, but there he didn't feel safe either. He had to hide in some place where he wouldn't be able to run straight into Mabel's arms. He went to Yokohama8. At the Grand Hotel a cable9 awaited him.

So sorry to have missed you at Manila. Love. Mabel.

No, he was not so easy to catch like that. He had already made his plans. He went to Cheng-tu10. It was four hundred miles away. It could only be reached by road and the road was very difficult. A man would be safe there. He could rest at last: Mabel would never find him there. The consul happened to be a friend of his and he stayed with him. The weeks passed lazily one after the other.

One day the heavy doors of the Consulate opened and Mabel stepped out of a chair borne by four coolies. She looked neat and clean as usual. George grew pale as death. She went up to him with a smile.

" You haven't changed at all, " she said, " I was afraid that you'd go fat and bald after seven years. I've been so nervous. It would be terrible if after all these years I simply wouldn't be able to bring myself to marry you."

She turned to the Consul. " Are you the Consul? " " Yes." " That's all right. I'm ready to marry him as soon as I've had a bath." And she did.


1 Burma ['bǝ: mǝ ] - Бирма. Before 1948 a British dependency.

2 Rangoon [raeɧ 'gu: n] - seaport city, capital of Burma.

3 quay [ki: ] - landing place for ships where they can be unloaded or loaded.

4 Singapore [singǝ 'pɔ: ] - a seaport on the Malay Peninsula.

5 Saigon [saI'gouɧ ] - a city in Vietnam.

6 Hong Kong ['hoɧ 'koɧ ] - a former British colony in South East China.

7 Manila [mǝ 'nilǝ ] - a great seaport on Manila Bay.

8 Yokohama ['joukǝ 'ha: ma] - a seaport on Tokyo Bay.

9 a cable - a telegram

10 Cheng-tu ['tʃ eɧ 'tu] - a province in South West China.


be engaged [m'geKfed] (v) (in)

1. take part in, busy oneself with - заниматься

□ be engaged in business/politics

□ My time is fully engaged.

2. promise to marry - быть помолвленным

□ Tom and Mary are engaged.

3. engagement (n) - помолвка join (v)

1- become a member - вступить

□ join the army/the club/the party


2. unite - присоединиться

□ He will join us at the restaurant, arrange [a'remcfe] (v)

1. see to the details of smth - организовать, договориться, устроить

□ The Tourist Bureau arranged everything for the journey.

2. arrangement (n. pi.) plans, preparations

□ Have you made arrangements for your journey?

3. arrangement (n. pi.) - agreement - договоренность, соглашение

□ The price for the house is a matter of arrangement, pace [peis] (v)

1. вышагивать, ходить по...

П Не was pacing the platform nervously.

2. (n) шаг

go a good pace - go fast - идти быстро keep pace with smb - шагать в ногу, успевать

□ It was difficult for the child to keep pace with that big man. the rest (n) - what remains - остальной (~ные)

□ Take what you want and throw the rest away, hide (v) (hid, hidden) - keep out of sight - прятать

□ The sun was hidden by the clouds, hide-and-seek - игра в «прятки»

total (adj)

1. complete, entire - полный, абсолютный

□ He was a total stranger.

□ What are your total debts?

2. total amount - «всего», «итого»

□ What does the total come to? bring (v) (brought)

1. come carrying smth - принести

□ The landlady brought me some cheese and bread.

2. accompany - привести с собой

□ Come to the party and bring Mary with you.

3. produce - вызывать, приносить

□ Spring brings warm weather and flowers. 4 bring oneself to do smth - заставить себя

□ She couldn't bring herself to speak about his death. 5. bring up (v) - educate, rear - воспитать *

□ She brought up five children, sail (v)

1. travel on water - плавать (о паруснике, корабле, судне)

□ They were sailing along the coast.

2. begin a voyage - отплывать

□ When does the ship sail?

hint (n)

1. indirect suggestion - намек

□ She gave him a hint that she wanted him to leave, drop smb a hint, give a hint - намекнуть

take a hint - понять намек

□ She took the hint and stopped boasting.

2. (v) (to smb) - намекать

□ I hinted that he ought to work harder, bear (v) (bore, born)

1. carry - нести

□ He moved as if he bore a heavy load.

2. have, show - иметь

□ His face bore traces of blows.

3. behave - вести себя

□ He bore himself with dignity in these difficult circumstances. 4 tolerate - терпеть, выносить

□ I can't bear the sight of this man. 5. support - выдерживать

□ The ice is too thin to bear your weight, follow (v)

1. go after smb/smth - следовать за

□ We were followed by a strange man.

2. understand - следить за. мыслью

□ Do you follow me?

follow smb's advice - последовать чьему-либо совету board a ship/plane - сесть на корабль/самолет an idea struck him - ему пришло в голову

There was not a moment to be lost - Нельзя было терять ни минуты



Ex. 1. Answer the questions.


1 ■ When did George and Mabel become engaged? 2. Why did Mabel fail to come at the appointed time? 3. How much time had passed by the day George went down to meet the girl? 4. Why couldn't he carry out his promise? 5. How did George guess Mabel was following him? 6. What plans had he made by the time he reached Yokohama? 7. What was the place of his destination? 8- How did he intend to get there? 9. Why did he enjoy his stay at the Consulatein Cheng-tu? 10. How did Mabel arrive at the Consulate? 11. What did she look like? 12. What did she say?

Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following phrases.


Make arrangements; one difficulty followed the other; carry out one's promise; refuse a girl; an idea struck him; board the ship; the letter ran as follows; be away on business; there was not a moment to be lost; take the hint; run straight into one's arms; sorry to have missed you; not so easy to catch; the Consul happened to be a friend of his; a chair born by coolies; pale as death; go fat and bald; bring oneself to do smth.

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