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Presentations. Dealing with questions

Be aware that a number of ‘questions’ may in fact be regarded as ‘comment’; or may result from a participant wishing to confirm her / his understanding. Accordingly, a range of responses is possible from the presenter.

1. If you receive a question which you are confident to answer:

• thank the participant

• repeat or summarise the question in case others have not heard clearly

• respond briefly.

2. If the question is a difficult one:

• thank the participant

• repeat or summarise the question in case others have not heard clearly


• Could you say a little more about that…?

• That’s something I’d like to:

- think about [more deeply].

That’s an interesting point…Would anyone like to:

- comment?

3. If several people are trying to speak at one time:

• nominate the first, and indicate to the others that you will come to them 2nd, 3rd, etc.

Thank you – this gentleman / lady first, and then your question next; and then…

4. If a speaker is taking longer than you wish to make a comment:

• use body language first, followed by verbal intervention if necessary.

I’m sorry, we’re running out of time, and I’ll have to interrupt there – thank you for your interesting comments….


5. В кожному реченні знайдіть помилку і виправте її. Речення перекладіть.


1. Export sales have fell by 5% but gross profit has grown by 3%.

2. We haven’t got many money left.

3. Demand for our products will to rise.

4. How much times have you been to London?

5. You’d better to speak to your lawyer.

6. We were been very busy so I didn’t have many time yesterday.

7. Shall I to change your flight?

8. Pasta dishes are the more popular ready meals.

9. I will start the venture when I’ll prepare a schedule.

10. Sales in September were more good than sales in August.



6. Заповніть пропуски, якщо це необхідно, прийменниками, що подані у рамці. Речення перекладіть.


from (2) to (2) by (3) for in on



1. Inflation went down from 5, 5% in December _______ 5% in January.

2. Sales went down _______ $1, 000.

3. Last year prices rose _______ 3%.

4. The rise in rent in June resulted _______ a move to larger premises.

5. Mr. Jones is responsible _______ delivery of goods.

6. Could you transfer me _______ the Finance Department?

7. They borrowed much money _______ the bank.

8. We had an increase _______ market share in 1998.

9. The number of employees went up _______ 5%.

10. We wasted a lot of money _______ unnecessary equipment.

7. Перекладіть подані нижче речення англійською мовою.

1. Продажі дешевшого морозива падають.

2. Тобі б краще подзвонити містеру Сміту та відмінити заплановану зустріч на п’ятницю.

3. Ми вклали багато грошей у цьому році, щоб поліпшити якість.

4. Наші ціни зростуть на 5%.

5. Ми збираємося перевести 7 працівників до іншого відділу.

6. Скільки вам необхідно обладнання?

7. Продажі у листопаді були кращі ніж продажі у жовтні.

8. Котра компанія має найбільший товарообіг?

9. Вони звільнили 3 працівників за неналежну поведінку.

10. Він пішов на пенсію у 60 pоків.

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