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The towns of Sumy region.
Glukhiv is a district town known since 1152 as a town of the Chernihiv Principality. The name comes from " glukhyi" lonely, remote. It is the hometown of Ukrainian painters Anton Losenko /1737-1773/, Kostiantyn Lomykin and Mykola Murashko /1844-1909/; composers Maksym Berezovs'kyi /1745-1777/ and Dmytro Bortnians'kyi /1751-1825/. In 1738 the first in Ukraine school of singers was open in Glukhiv.
Konotop is a district town known since 1638. Once it was a Polish fortification near the ford of the Yezuch River where horses used to stick.
Krolevets is a district town known since 1601. It is believed to be named after the Polish king Sigismund III /1566-1632/who took advantage of Russia's weakness after the death of Boris Godunov and invaded Moscow in 1610-12/
Lebedyn is a district town on the Vilshanka River. In 1652, saving themselves from the oppression of the Polish magnates, the settlers from the Right-Bank Ukraine settled on the Left-Bank of the Dnieper where there were many swans /lebid" in Ukrainian/. It has a monument of the wooden architecture - the Church of Ressurection built in 1748.
Okhtyrka is a district town on the Vorskla River. It was founded in 1641 by the peasants and Cossacks from the Right-Bank Ukraine. The name comes from the Turkic " ak tura" - A White Fortress. The Okhtyrka Cossack regiment /1655-1765/ was dislocated here to defend the southern borders. In 1765 it was reorganized in the Hussar regiment and the Cossack became " military residents". Putyvl is a district town on the Seim River. It was founded in 1146. The town stands at the crossing of the roads /put' is a way in Ukrainian/. It boasts of the Transfiguration Cathedral /17 c/, the church of Cossack Nicholas /18 c/. There are monuments to S. Rudnev, S. Kovpak and Yarostavna.
Romny is a district town on the Sula River. It is known since 1096 and is mentioned as Rym in the " Lay of Ihor's Host". It was a fortress of Kyivan Rus at the site where the Romen River empties into the Sula. Trostianets is a district town on the Boromlia River. It was founded by the settlers from Vinnytsia area of the Trostianytsia River in 1660. The name of the river comes from a cane /cane is " trostyna" in Ukrainian/. It boasts of the museum of outstanding composer P.I. Chaikovs'kyi /1840-1893/ who visited Ukraine every year and composed opera " Mazepa" /1883/.
Контрольне завдання 2 Щоб виконати завдання 2, необхідно засвоїти такі розділи курсу англійської мови: 1) Видо-часові форми дієслова: а) дійсний стан форми теперішнього неозначеного часу та минулого неозначеного часу (Simple Present, Simple Past); б) дійсний стан форми минулого тривалого часу (Past Progressive); в) дійсний стан форми теперішнього завершеного часу (Present Perfeсt). 2) Модальні дієслова (can, may, must). 3) Прикметник. Ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників. Конструкція типу the more…the less. Конструкції порівняння. 4) Безособові та неозначено - особові речення. 5) Розділове питання. 6) Конструкції з інфінітивом. 7) Просте поширене речення: прямий порядок слів розповідного речення та зворотній (інверсія) питального речення.